A very annoying thing occurred last night meta cut my lovely poem shorter here it is in full enjoy!!
Planning a wedding…it all starts with one question doesn’t it? #terrirackleycelebrant #love #life #wedding #marriage #proposal #marryme
A little life update from me talking about funerals, with a few thank yous thrown in. Raw and unedited #celebrant #funeralservice
Self care Sunday…don’t let your fears weigh you down, sometimes facing them can turn out to be the best thing you ever did #terrirackleycelebrant #life #live #hope #fear #liveyourbestlife
A beautiful candle lighting ceremony that can be done in memory of a loved one ❤️ #terrirackleycelebrant #memorial #death #tribute #bereavement #loss #candle #ritual
January…chapter 1 of 12, a brand new book, write your own story filled with adventures and memories ❤️ #terrirackleycelebrant #newbeginnings #january #newadventures
Back to work for many today, including me. Such occasions call for new shoes, if you look good you feel good, right? #terrirackleycelebrant #newstart #fresh #newshoes #lookgoodfeelgood #january
Transforming into a funeral celebrant #terrirackleycelebrant #loss #funeral #bereavement #celebrant #stepintoyourjobconfidently