Different strokes for different folks.
Recently a few people have asked me about Dodes doctrine and as we are now at an important time of the year in a number of religious calendars perhaps this is the time to elaborate.
One of the most recent was an enquiry from a lady a couple of weeks ago who asked why, if Dode isn’t aligned the Christian religion, we held carol services.
It was a fair question.
My answer was firstly that it’s a carol concert, and not service, there are no bible readings but rather poems that usually reflect on the natural world and Dodes place within it.
I also pointed out that many carols, particularly the melodies are old folk tunes, that originally had nothing to do with Christmas and, that as far as organisation permits, we hold the concerts as close as possible to the Winter Solstice, an event entirely dictated by nature and not mankind.
I ended by saying that a number of religions have major celebrations in December, nothing is exclusive and it’s simply something that everybody needs and enjoys.
A gathering together of humanity at the darkest time of the year.
It’s was a bit of a mishmash of an answer, thinking on my feet, in front of 30 other people, but along with a number of other similar questions asked recently the general ‘thrust’ of the question deserves a more fulsome answer, together with a short history as to how it came about.
I’m not the most intelligent, knowledgeable or eloquent of blokes but no one can doubt my enthusiasm so here goes.
I was brought up in the Christian faith and at the time that my involvement with Dode started almost 35 years ago, despite reservations, is how I would have described myself.
Recognising immediately that the place we had so unexpectedly acquired was sacred, believing that in essence, religion is often divisive and being aware of its deep heritage l wanted to make Dode a little centre of multi faith worship, with all religions able to use it, free of charge.
My ‘first ports of call’ were obviously various branches of the Christian Church, with initial approaches also made to other mainstream religions, all of whom expressed interest.
A number of the ‘branches’ of the Christian faith were most helpful and enthusiastic.
Then, as now, considerably out of my depth, I spoke, amongst many others, with such diverse representatives of religion as an Anglican Bishop and a Catholic Archbishop, a Swami and a Shaman.
Back then, two men in particular; the Prior of Aylesford, and The Metropolitan of Glastonbury offered sound advice, both spiritual and practical but most importantly of all, encouragement.
Sadly all I received from the local diocese of the Church of England was a negative, even hostile response.
If my own church, in which I was baptised, confirmed and married, could not entertain the concept, it was clear that I was ‘barking up the wrong tree’ and following a particularly acrimonious exchange with the then Archdeacon of Rochester involving our ‘inappropriateness’ of depicting a dragon within our walls (strange, since Rochester Cathedral hosted an artwork of a dragon earlier this year) l decided that if we could not host all religions at Dode we would host none, but that people all religions, and of course of none, would be welcome.
And that’s where we stand.
To reiterate, people of all religious beliefs are ‘accepted on equal love’ as are adherents to ‘world views’ such as Anamism. People who are conflicted, and those who have no faith or belief whatsoever. All are welcome.
A decision made over a quarter of a century ago works well at little Dode and, if you have been lucky enough to secure your ticket, we look forward to greeting you next week to our two carol concerts.
Not to a solely Christian ‘event’ but simply to a much needed and appreciated tiny gathering of humanity in our secluded valley, at this, the dark time of the year.
Bright Yuletide Blessings