Auntie Don Land Royal Red Carpet
Auntie Felicia
Royal Red Carpet moment with Mr Calvino
Weeh Calvino Wallang your performance was epic didn’t realise how talented you were.
The Royal Red Carpet performance
Some highlights of the Royal Red Carpet Dorcas Comedy World
Gerard Ben show in Birmingham
To all who made it for the show, to my team, to Dj Gérard Ben and to you my amazing supporters, all media platforms and colleagues, thank you all for your overwhelming support. The success of this event wouldn't have been possible without you all. I am deeply grateful to you all.
La Guga confirme sa présence à la soirée Culturelle de l’année, Birmingham 9 Novembre
La Guga, notre femme de l’ouest confirme sa présence pour la grande soirée culturelle à Birmingham Uk, le 9 Novemebre
Les légendaires ont confirmé leur présence, Leeds la ville des hommes géants …….FORTTTTT rdv le 09 Novembre