Thank you to everyone at Braeburn House for an amazing Jubilee Show!
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The end of our very first Jubilee show! Was great to be at Braeburn House! Thanks to everyone for a great show :)
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If, by Rudyard Kipling
This is Alex performing one of his favourite poems of all time. It really stands out for him as a classic because it has a perfect mix of spectacular life advice and a rip-roaring attitude.
Times have been very difficult for artists and performers, where our business basically evaporated over night and has not yet returned.
That, on top of severe anxiety and depression and separation from most of his family, has made Alex's 2020 a very difficult year. It's at times like this that he has relied on poetry, storytelling and performance art to really pull through.
If you like this and want to see more performances like it, including George's favourite poem by Edgar Allen Poe, please like, share the post and let us know your thoughts about it in the comments.
P.S. George suggest that if you don't appreciate this and Alex's art, he'll force you to listen to The Odyssey next time! 🤣
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Have you ever experienced the #uncanny?
The #uncanny is concerned with the strange, the weird and the mysterious. Magic is also concerned with creating the experience of the strange, the weird and the mysterious.
The uncanny experience can be described as a flickering sense of something being not quite right; maybe it's a weird glimpse of the #supernatural, that strange feeling of unease, or a #mysterious apparition that chills you to the bone?
Magic, and particularly #mentalism and mind reading, can also create these strange feelings of unease.
The uncanny and #magic both create mysterious feelings and experiences that go beyond mainstream science's explanations.
What are your uncanny experiences?
Contact us or DM for more information.
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What makes your hair stand on end?
Perhaps a mysterious movement in the shadows? Or a strange and unknowable touch? Or maybe the eerie sense of another presence?
Mainstream science would say that we are governed by certain automatic responses: When we smile, our mind creates streams of the 'happy hormone', dopamine. When we're hungry, our body creates ghrelin, often called the 'hunger hormone'.
And when we see a sudden shock of movement, when a mysterious feeling comes from nowhere, or when we suddenly become aware of the sense that perhaps some one, or some thing, is present...
Our body is prone for attack - we freeze up, our muscles tense with fear, our body starts pumping oxygen and adrenaline into every cell of our being ready for the fight or flight of survival, and our hairs stand on end.
This hair-standing is a strange, evolutionary hangover from the days when we had hair covering our body, with the aim that it would make us look larger and more off-putting to our potential predators. But is that all it really is?
What really makes your hair stand on end? Is it spiders and creepy crawlies, ghosties and ghoulies, or is there something more mysterious that makes your goosebumps go bump in the night?
Contact us or DM for more information.
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#mindreader #show #mindreading #performance #fun #joy #wow #amazing #magical #cardmagic #sleightofhand #event #magictrick
Kitty Wants Something
Come out to play.
Come out to play.
Come out to play.
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#mindreader #show #mindreading #performance #fun #joy #wow #amazing #magical #cardmagic #sleightofhand #event #magictrick
Can George influence and subliminise* his audience into choosing the correct cards?
George's experiment with subliminisation shows how it's possible to implant a thought into someone's mind, but how does he do it?
Is it influence? Is it psychology? Is it magic? Or is it a strange mix of all three? How do you think he does it? Do you think he could subliminise you?
*No, subliminise isn't a real word, but very little of what George does is real. Why would his words be any different?
Contact us or DM for more information.
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#mindreader #show #mindreading #performance #fun #joy #wow #amazing #magical #cardmagic #sleightofhand #event #magictrick
About a year ago, as the autumn leaves began to fall, we stumbled across this photograph in the last antiques fair we went to.
It was at the bottom of a pile of old, dust ridden picture frames, and it was only by chance that we even saw it in the first place.
Isn't there something a bit eerie about it? Something almost... disturbingly familiar?
Do you ever get that strange feeling that you've been here before? I don't know about you, but this photograph sends shivers down my spine.
Contact us or DM for more strange magic.
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The Survival of the Fit-In-Ness.
So we are told to stand out and be different.
How different are you?
When do you decide to fit in?
When do you decide to stand out?
How far do you go, our situations and environments change. Sometimes you may decide standing out is inappropriate. It is not always acceptable to be the clown.
As magicians we often have the licence to be different. What gives you the licence to be different and stand out?
Contact us or DM for more information.
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#freethinkers #growthmindset #development #live #positivevibes #positiveaffirmations #positive #life #lifecoaches #instagood #happiness #psychology #positivepsychology
Can You Spot The Hidden Tiger?
Magicians only ever let you you see what they want you to see. In scientific and psychological terms, it's called 'Inattentional blindness'.
In short; we see what we are expecting to see. That's why you probably missed the first 'you' in this description. Magicians have known this since the dawn of mankind, and have used it to aid their illusions, hide their trickery, and to create moments of the impossible every where they go.
As for 'The Hidden Tiger', it's really obvious once you see it. In fact, it's hiding right in plain sight! It's staring right at you, and once you see it, you cannot un-see it! Spoilers:
'The Hidden Tiger' is written right across the plain tiger, made to look like its stripes.
Did you spot it the first time, or did you let your inattentional blindness take over and focus on the obvious?
What other things in life could you have missed, even if they seem obvious now? Would your life be different if you saw new opportunities the same way? Where could you focus your attention on now that would reveal things in new ways?
Contact us or DM for more information.
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Power of Perception
Tiny New Thoughts
Power of Why
I cannot under-state just how powerful these ideas can be when put to practical use. They are all ideas I have embraced over the years in my life and in preparing magic ideas.
Just a small change, made consistently over time, such as introducing a new vegetable to your weekly shop (increasing diversity in your microbiome), watching a new TV programme, film, genre of music, book or news article from a source you wouldn’t normally go to (introducing new perspectives, new experiences, new expectations) or exploring a new restaurant (combining both biological and psychological elements) can lead to massive improvements in your creativity, productivity, energy levels, critical thinking, personal development and so much more.
All of this comes down to some key, powerful insights from the latest neuroscience and biological research, including:
We are a complex, context-driven system
We thrive on novelty, newness and discovery
We may literally be what we eat
We think, feel and behave based on the inter-play of our diet, sleep, mindset and situation
We construct emotions based on our past experiences and present expectations
The basic idea is that you are the Architect of You.
Contact us or DM for more information.
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Pluck factor
Pluck is spirited and determined courage. Pluck is about having the right attitude. Pluck is about having the supreme personal authority you need if you’re going to be successful at what you do.
Pluck is about having the confidence in yourself to punch above your weight and taking enough action to solve your problem. Pluck is about having the belief in what you’re doing to carry on when you’re very nearly down and out.
Pluck is about not just knowing and willing, but it’s about doing. Pluck is about having the courage to take risks and make mistakes, and get up and start all over again. Pluck is about seeing that your goals may be too small, and aiming for something bigger and better, even if the whole world laughs at you.
Pluck is about pushing your limits, taking on those huge goals and managing to pull them off, even if it’s by the skin of your teeth.
Contact us or DM for more information.
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