I meant to post this a couple of days ago, but clearly forgot! The wind was pretty savage for basically everyone wasn’t it?
I think we got away quite lightly and the amazing team at Scottish Power got us back online last night. I was quite surprised actually, because they told us it would be the end of the week. Thank you to everyone who has worked lots of hours in the last few days to get so many people’s power back.
Luckily, I didn’t have too much cooking to do this weekend.
#Sarahlaingscountrycatering #CookingInTheCountry #EventCatererScottishBorders #wedding FoodScottishBorders #Weddingfoodcumbria #WeddingfoodforFarmers #Marqueeweddingsscottishborders #Stormeowyn #FoodFromTheFarm #eventcatering
Happy New Year, everyone. I hope your year is full of health and happiness….. and great times with friends and family.
Thank you all so much for your support of my small business throughout the year.
#sarahlaingscountrycatering #food2025 #bordersweddings #cumbriaweddings #northumberlandweddings #eventcateringscottishborders #outsidecateringkelso #outsidecateringhawick
I always like listening to podcasts when I’m cooking and this one is incredibly powerful . It really highlights what farmers in this country are fighting for and why we do what we do! We’re lucky enough to be caretakers of wonderful countryside for our generation. And James Rebank really does highlight the importance of this. If you have 10 to 15 minutes spare, please listen.!
#britishfarming #hillfarmer #britishfoodisbest #highwelfare #bestofthebestfood #farmingisimportant #nfu #small farmer #familyfarm #scottishfarmer
It’s quite fun having sharing starter platters for big parties. On occasion it means that guests can graze at their own pace. For this particular wedding we had the privilege of serving some very special chutney made by the grandparents and I served it on some stunning 100 year old slates that I found in an old house that I had treated for service.
#SarahLaingsCountryCatering #sarahlaing #bordersfood #scottishbordersfood #newcastleton #Bramptonfood #kelsofood #longtown #weddingstarters #sharingplatters #scottishbordersoutsidecatering #newcastletonhall #cumbriaoutsidecatering #dumfriesoutsidecatering #weddingsscottushborders #eventcateringscotland
Green waste absolutely rocks and we’re able to use most of it here to produce fruit and vegetables for our own consumption during the summer. Sadly, the temperature here is so cold that we have to grow most of it in the greenhouse, but it seems to work fine and Hamish and Rory and I have a great time growing all sorts of goodies. This year we’ve even entered some of them in our local shows!
#GreenWaste #MakeYourOwnCompost #Compost #Recycling #EventCaterScottishBorders #ScottishBordersCatering #OutsideCateringCumbria #OutsideCateringSelkirk #WeddingsScottishBorders #Scottish BordersWeddings #Cumbriaweddings #PrivateDiningScottishBorders # Shoot Lunches # Great Food Scotland #SarahLaingCountryCatering #PrivateDiningCumbria #PrivateDiningNorthumberland #shootlunchesborders #OutsideCateringHawick #lockerbiewedfings #lokerbie #OutsideCateringLongtown #Outsidecateringcarlisle
It’s fishy Friday in our house and I thought I’d make a fish pie for supper despite not having any parsley which I think makes it! Thought I’d make a couple because my in-laws are getting back from their holiday today, so I’m going to pop one down to their fridge so that they’ve got some for supper when they get home! I usually spend quite a bit of time on Fridays either prepping for jobs or getting organised for the next week and meals. It’s always about batch cooking in our house and I have loads of ready meals in my freezer. We seem to be completely hectic during the week, so it’s worth the effort when I have a moment.
Anyway, back to the fish pie chat; I didn’t have any parsley, which I think really makes the sauce however it will taste delicious. Controversially I like to keep the onion in my white sauce however I do appreciate it’s not to everyone’s taste!!
Fish pie seems to be quite popular on my hot buffet menu and also for lunches and freezer fills. Hope you all have a great weekend. Xx
#FishPie #Salmon #Trout #SmokedFish #FishyFriday #HotBuffetsScottishBorders #LangholmFood #LongtownFood #CambriaWeddings #OutsideCatererScottishBorders #kelsofood #SelkirkFood #melroseoutsidecaterer # WeddingfoodScottishBorders # Event Caterer ScottishBorders #SarahLaingCountryCatering #InstagramNovice # Brain Food #JedburghOutsideCatering #GalaWeddings #galashiels # JedburghOutsideCatering
Clearly, the day could’ve started better here! Not only did I drive off with the fridge still attached; I then spent an hour and a half putting the plug unit back together! Changing the plug was the simple bit but taking the plastic unit off that surrounds it, was a masterclass in patience. When I eventually got to the end, I realised I’d left a piece out.
Lucky for me and unlucky for Angus, he walked down the yard at just that point 🤣🤣
#Musttryharder #SarahLaing’sCountryCatering #thebordersball #reeling #fridgetrailer #eventcatererscotland #scottishbordersfood #selkirkoutsidecatering #outsidecateringborders #selkirk #victoriahalls #telliotandson #cochranes #cochranessmallbusiness #cochraneslongtown #longtown #foodcumbria #foodscottishborders
The boys are having a little cake sale today for a couple of hours at Hermitage Castle!!
From 11 am xx
Wedding set up; what an amazing day for Callum and Dawn! Huge congratulations to both of you. We love working with you and your family; it was a real privilege to be part of it all ###
#sarahlaingscountrycatering #marqueewedding #Haddingtonwedding #lothianweddingfood #scottishbordersoutsidecatering #borderloos #weddingfoodscotland #bordersoutsidefood #bestintent #michaelwarescaterhire #thedaisychain #kelsooutsidecatering #kelsofood #hawickeventcatering