I have thought long and hard about posting this on this platform as it is very personal and something I have been coming to terms with over the last few months, but it is really important and I want to do my part in helping to raise awareness for it.
This month is endometriosis awareness month, it impacts 1 in 10 women and takes an average of 8 years to actually be diagnosed which for some can be too late; the condition effects womens ability to conceive amongst an array of other debilitating symptoms and up until last November, I didn't know, but it's a part of who I am.
Despite knowing something was wrong for years, I had never really anticipated this. Years of hearing "it's all normal", "you will grow out of it", and "it's just your hormones settling down" - but there it was, endometriosis, a relief to finally have a diagnosis, but a blow to discover I need surgery on my ovaries at the same time.
Having always experienced painful and irregular periods, this seemed the norm to me, but over the last 18 months I began having pains from under my kidneys down to my thigh, the epicentre around my left o***y, some days its manageable, but some days have been total write offs.
Its invisible. Around the time of my diagnosis I heard that I'd just been "pretending" - feeling like I needed to justify what was happening to my body during a time that was already physically and emotionally hurting me is something I don't think I will ever forget, it really highlighted the lack of awareness for endometriosis to me.
This is by no means a sympathy post, I am remaining positive and optimistic, if I want to have a future Copper and Moss rugby team, then of course I will do everything I can to make it happen, but this is me doing my part to help raise awareness.
Endometriosis UK has launched the 1 in 10 challenges and I've got involved in the move 10 challenge.
If you would like to support my challenge then that would mean the absolute world to me and I will link it below, but if not please pop over to the .uk page for more information about the condition.
Thank you so much for reading,
H ###