I know, I stated that yesterday's posting was the last October song and it was but here is my attempt at Rolly Sally's song "Killing The Blues". I must state that I have copied "Chris Smither's" guitar arrangement. There are performers out there who play this arrangement but never state that they pinched the arrangement from Chris Smither and SHAME on them!
It isn't an October song but it mentions the leaves being "red and gold"...close enough for me. For those interested it's in Open D tuning as per Chris Smither's arrangement. I believe some upstart called Robert Plant also recorded this song.
Song" by the Incredible String Band or in particular Robin Williamson whose brother Ronnie , of The Corries" fame wrote the song "Flower of Scotland".
Back in the 60's I went into the Goth pub in Rosyth, Fife with a friend Mike Ainslie. We only went in because you could get a drink in a packed folk club even if under age!
The headline act that night was the Incredible String band which at that time was a trio with Robin Williamson, Mike Heron and Clive Palmer. October song was one of the songs they performed and I was immediately enthralled. I bought their album and tried to figure it out but it took years to establish that Robin was playing guitar in Open D tuning....now it made sense. Here is my take on it in Open D tuning.
This is my last song for October....honestly!
It's almost the end of October the month in which my Mother and Father were born, married and died in, it is also the month in which my only brother was born an amazing coincidence. Here is a recording I made of "The October Winds (The Castle of Dromore). My mother , Fanchea, singing this song is my first memory. Hoping you've all had a wonderful October! Cheers Pat
Well a huge thanks to Pete Aplin for holding his phone up for a long time to get this video of Paul Hilder and myself performing a request. Here is "A Fine Line". Unrehearsed and a long time since we played it. Paul is brilliant as usual and even changes capo position during the song...there's confidence for you. This was the last performance of the night. I had gone to the mixing desk to switch off when the song was requested, it hasn't been on the setlist for a while but it's back there now! thanks to Pete Aplin again!
Here's one last Burns song for tonight. this is "Scots Wha Hae".
Here's another Burns song , this one's about the terror of slavery. "The Slaves Lament".
Well it's Burns Night and as my wife is preparing the Haggis etc. I thought I'd put up my favourite Burns song "Green Grow The Rashes O'" . Obviously from the redness on my head I recorded this earlier!