Meeting two lovely ladies to arrange their dream Celebrant led wedding celebration ceremony. 🍾 💍💍
Seen as my last proper video was back on the 26th July, hopefully you won't mind my shot at another.
Podcast will be released on Spotify, Apple and other platforms.
Thank you 😊
@top fans
I never do videos, but thought I'd share some reflections and insights into life as a funeral celebrant.
Pre-recorded as Facebook live is most likely beyond me!
Have a good weekend everyone. 🤩
Lovely day out with the family for Father's Day.
Daddy and Indigo being (mild) thrill seekers! 😅
Some lovely feedback today from services this month with W Lever Ltd and Hammerton's.
Always an honour.
It was my honour to lead a service for a lady who lived a remarkable 93 years. We beautifully reflected her Belfast roots through music and words of tribute.
It was only last month that I officiated her husband's service. To be asked again, meant so much.
For the family to lose them both so close together was on one hand heartbreaking. But on the other, it was fitting that they lived their lives so connected, that they went virtually, although not quite, side by side. They take comfort in that they are reunited once again.
Thank you to Mark and the team from Lawrence Funeral Home in Halifax for their compassion and care.
This is very true. Although sometimes the reality is hard with the constraints of life- time, money, children etc. But working in the funeral industry makes you realise how true this is.
Even if you can't book that flight, or the right job isn't out there currently to apply for- do something for you, however big or small. Life is short. Live it to the full. I now completely understand bucket lists and living for today. Tomorrow isn't promised. 💕
It's your journey, your path, your story 📖✒️.