So this came up today on my memories. As we start another week of Christmas dinners across our 8, yes 8 schools!! 4 years on and in 13 weeks we have served over 61000 meals, 56,000 up on 4 years ago. We now have a team of 21, all of whom work so hard day in day out to deliver the best in school dinners. Onwards and upwards! But roll on Friday!
16 December. Christmas dinner day. Should have been the biggest day of the year at school. Covid ensured that wasn’t to be the case. However, Emma’s Kitchen served up 120 Christmas dinners to pupils, staff and members of the community today. Covid was the reason I began this journey. It certainly will not be the reason I end it. Am I making much money, definitely not, do I enjoy the stress on a daily basis, hell no. But do I love what I do? YES! Never before have i had so much fire and passion for things I believe in and want to achieve for me and to give the best to my children. I have been doing this 13 weeks. We have served over 5000 meals in that time. I am so proud of myself and the team for how we are slowly changing school dinners and beyond. Tonight I will enjoy a glass of wine. It’s definitely been earned. I have a feeling 2021 could be the making of me!! And that’s a bold statement! ❤️❤️❤️❤️