Hull Party Services is a Childrenโs entertainment service for parties or events, we set up in 2009 and have entertained thousand and thousands of children across Hull & Uk We are a family run business we have 5 Children of our own and a great team of staff this is our full time job and 110% committed its not a hobby, or a part time job it is 7 dayโs a week 24hr job
We value our customers and always want then to return ages range from baby to even 60 year olds enjoying our services we are fun loud and in your face some people may not like that luckily only ever had 5 complaints since 2009 not bad really but all have been made right. T&C apply when booking you must pay a deposit and you must check in regardless no one is exempt from checking in when booked. Check in is 48hrโs prior online on the website or via contacting the office,
please understand we offer services to schools charities nurseries councils private parties so we are extreamly busy non stop we don't offer refunds if you have a complaint it can be made right. refunds are a easy solution when you have a problem, speak to the team immediately don't leave it till after your event.
T&C apply when booking all incoming and outgoing calls are recorded and stored for 3 years,
We offer the best services around many entertainers pop up and go bust after a year or two but we have managed to build a great relation with customers and have become friends and family to many. we can't go out the house without been spotted part of the job we will always speak and have time for customers so feel free to wave and tell us as sometimes we won't realise who you are until our gone.
H&S is very important we have everything in place and comply with regulations from councils and government.
we rely and prefer bookings from word of mouth then advertising and follow some simple steps when booking in customers previous customers will always get discounts and offers and we keep prices to the lowest possible to ensure every child can have us,
we really don't make huge profits most money is invested back in to the services we provide and we have a great work team. We will only support a few chosen charities bills need to be paid and we loose quite a lot when working for charities so we help where possible, FREE advertising is not needed but always welcomed we find that the only work generated from charity events is more charity events, so we look at what we can offer regular. as we are a family local business we don't have write off like huge companies.
Training is done on the job so we may have new team members standing shadowing team members its the only way to train staff this job is one which looks really easy but believe me its not so anyone who things they can do what we do please email me and you can spend a weekend with us, Violent Drunk and abusive behaviour is never accepted.
Work days are 7 days a week we don't get many holidays or days off so when we do we enjoy them to the max so if you send messages or calls or text we will get back to you the same day or night, where possible.
Freebies maybe offered now and again promotions are offered to fill gaps so if you see us having a offer its probably to fill days you will have the best deals and offers already. sometimes we sell packages cheaper as we may have a customer who needs to cancel a date so once you are booked your date and times are set in stone, we are flexible where needed, and offer alternative dates and times when booked in a emergency,
if you inquire and book we can't hold dates and times unless secured this is our new policy we can't guarantee any unsecured bookings so when we are full we are full if you miss your deadline we are sorry, this is when customers may say they have been let down by a entertainer and panic last min looking for a entertainer, you can secure any booking for ยฃ40 in special circumstances you can hold it for ยฃ15 if arranged with the team, after all we know sometime times are hard for everyone.
>> don't wait for offers and deals to show up call us and we will get you the lowest price possible all year round,
when booking please remember we have 28-32 customers each week so we won't remember every single detail so we record calls and log them. we got around 800 messages each week so always best to call.
photos are done now and again free its mainly if customers are busy we will let customers know if we have taken any and where they would like them to be sent to money paid is ever paid for this service and we do it in our own time or on set days so we ask customers to be patient when we do them and request them on facebook messenger you do not pay for this service.
what you pay is what you get if your looking for cheap things to offer we can do them now and again so just ask. we are always here for you,
Book online or call us on 07454 654453