We need your help!
We were badly hit by storm Darragh and our yurts were damaged and destroyed by the hurricane force 90 plus mph winds!!
The storm started on Friday night, it was impossible to sleep with the fierce roar of the wind and the worry. The power cut out in the early hours and we just had to wait it out and for it to get light on Saturday morning. That’s when we saw the wreckage!! All the yurts had been flattened including the big 32ft, the only one still standing was Lizzie’s healing yurt, but not for long, she saw the wind crush it! It was incredibly intense because the storm lasted over 36 hours. The 90 mph winds continued all of Saturday, it was too dangerous to try and rescue anything.
The storm damage is a massive setback and we need your help to rebuild and replace the yurts.
We think it’s possible to save the big 32ft yurt, it needs a new wheel, one trellis wall and some canvas repairs; considering the battering it got, this is incredible!
The 20ft and three other 12ft yurts are totally destroyed, we might be able to rebuild one 12ft yurt from all of the bits to replace the healing yurt. This is where Lizzie works from and offers naturopathic consultations and reiki sessions, it is a much needed space to enable her to continue to work.
Those of you who know us and have been following along since our nomadic wedding days and before that the Chocolate Harlot Parlour, you’ll know that yurts are very much part of our lives, like family. Our yurts have been a space for many celebrations over the last 18 years as a festival venue and then hosting over 100 weddings all around the UK.
Two years ago, after many years of looking we managed to buy a derelict small holding with magical land that is ancient and wild covered in verdant green moss and ferns, surrounded by ancient hedge banks with narly blackthorn and hawthorn trees, idyllic views, meadows and vast starry skies with easy access to beautiful beaches, waterfalls and mountain lakes. It’s the perfect location to retreat and to explore the wild. It ticks all the boxes for our vision and dream of creating an off grid yurt retreat - and a space for community, workshops, talks and gatherings.
If you can donate it would help us recover our losses, repair and rebuild the retreat and continue with our vision to create an off grid retreat in the wilds of West Wales.
Thank you, we really appreciate your help! Lizzie and Jim Xx