Aarons coeliac journey
what is coeliac disease ?
Coeliac disease is a common autoimmune condition where the immune system in a person’s intestine (gut) reacts when they eat gluten. This causes chronic inflammation.
Aaron has suffered for at least 4 years with constant bowel troubles this was a major cause for concern we battled to get anything for him endless disimpaction regime's , so much time off school seeing him in pain not eating and barely drinking. Drs just passing it of a phase i knew in my gut something was not right yet I had to fight to get referrals. Eventually we managed to get to see a paediatrician and finally we got got a diagnosis ! something to help explain all the pain he has been in at last . One problem I had was trying to explain to him why certain food was bad for him there is plenty info written up but how can you explain to a child with words ! well this is where our photoshoot came into place we worked together to bring a selection of images to help spread awareness and also help show why its bad for him I hope this helps a few other in the process, and parents