Why not come along and join in the Jubilations. Tea, cake and fun all provided with kit and tuition for £20! Workshop
held at No 1 Madford Lane Launceston
Fab day today lovely to see some super young people in the rain. Just to update there are still spaces on both the workshop starting in the 14th and the 21st but numbers are limited oops forgot to say 7pm …
Video instructions step 1
Video instruction Step 2….
My helpful assistant is manning the mixing bowl......
Don't forget to book for our half term craftiness...
What’s on your table this morning. It’s a Red Cow prep day today getting ready for the young people who are getting into stitching on Saturday afternoon and then the ladies who are coming next week for craft club. Thank goodness for a big table #redcow #makesharelove #afewofmyfavouritethings #steval #sewingstudio #fabricinthepost #cakeandcreate #signsofspring #sneakpeak #kitchentabletalent #countrylife #craft2020 #lovelaunceston #launcestonlife #theartofprep #homework #farmerswife #moda #dmc #makower #stof #lewisandirene #emmabridgewater
Saturday Session from 11 this week
Why not pop in for a little crafting?
Some lovely ladies are planning to come in for pre Christmas get togethers. There is still time and space to book your group in though.... Makes with coffee and mince pies from £15 per person.
It's been really exciting to share the new workshop ideas for Summer and meet so many of you. There is a half term child and adult course where you make a name sign and special bunny. There are also some sewing and painting projects for adults which are beginning to book up which is lovely. I am delighted to be able to offer these workshops for small groups and they can be combined with either a crafternoon tea, lunch or supper from our super new kitchen. We can also do completely bespoke events for birthdays, baby showers and hen parties so let us know what you would like.
Loved crafting this this evening thanks to Michelle at @country_chic_cornwall, you were right the bunnies look good I think. Getting ready for my signs and heart tray course on Friday. Exciting! #redcow #makesharelove #madewithlove #launcestoncornwall #anniesloan #twobadmice #easterblessings #christiancraft #launcestonlife #lovelaunceston #crafttheseasons
So I thought I’d do a table tour this windy and wet morning. What’s on yours ? I’m about to make up kits for Betsy Bunny so everything is ready for the photo shoot so the instructions will be easy to follow with step by step photos #redcow #whatsonyourtable?#madewithlove #launcestoncornwall #tabletour #craftkits #makeityourself #crafttable #readytosew #bunnies #vintagebernina #emmabridgewater #olfa #creativejumble #makesharelove #launcestonlife #lovelaunceston