Mrs Ophelia Later had a Grindr wrapped for this year. I thought I’d share it with you all!!
I don’t know if im more shocked, surprised or ashamed.
World AIDS Day 2024 - "Take the Rights Path: My Health, My Right!"
As many people know, while I am HIV-, I do belive that HIV/AIDs is a forgotten cause and one of the few things I do truly advocate and this years theme aligns perfectly to what I advocate for - Education in the medical field.
If you are HIV- and want some cuddles without condoms, PrEP is the medication for you. It kills HIV cells before they infect you. It can be taken daily (what I do) or it can be disco dosed (2 doses 2-24 hours before the encounter, one 24 hours after the encounter and one 48 hours after the encounter). They have a 99% effective rate on sexual interactions and a 74% effective rate on needles and stabbings.
You can get PrEP at your closest sexual health clinic every 3 months and with this prescription it is FREE and you get tested for HIV/AIDs and a Kidney Test every time you go back to get your prescription.
If you have had an encounter with somebody HIV+, PEP is the medication for you. It is a medication you need before 72 hours have passed since exposure (though under 24 is ideal) and it prevents you catching HIV. It is a 28 day course of pills and it is FREE at any sexual health clinic or A&E. PEP has a success rate of 80% when taken correctly.
If you are HIV positive, it is not a death sentence, nor is it the end of your sex life, most HIV+ people take between 1 and 4 pills a day and within 6 months become undetectable. Undetectable = Untransmittable
The best and safest thing to do is Get Tested, know your status and if you don’t want to go alone, reach out. I’ll take you.
If you need somebody to talk to, reach out, I’ll listen.
If you need advice, reach out. I’ll help you.
Here’s a video of myself taking my PrEP in real time.
#WorldAIDSDay2024 #WorldAIDSDay #worldaidsday #HIV #hivawareness #undetectableuntransmittable #health #aidsawareness #aids #lgbtqia #lgbt #queer #queerhistory #queerpride #queerperformer #mlm #tbvqiaaop #knowledgeispower #KnowYou
Photo competition winner
I couldn’t chose so I put a few of my favourite answers in to a random name generator, and the winner is … HARRY COHAN! Congratulations darlin you made me laugh so much. Also the TOP 5 will be receiving a signed 8x10 print from the Mrs Ophelia Later! Well done to you all!!
A couple of snippets from Saturdays @anightofqueercabaret. This number is inherently political and an homage to the Father of modern computing Alan Turing OBE #alanturing #codebreaker #dragpolitics #political #homage #alanturingtheenigma #linkinpark #tomodell #queer #queerart #queerartist #tobevisiblyqueerisanactofprotest#tbvqiaaop #ww2 #worldwar2 #worldwartwo #drag #dragqueen #dragperformer #dragperformance #dragperfection #enigma #enigmamachine #enigmacode