May the closeness of your loved ones, family, and friends fill your heart with joy. Happy New Year!
It's unbelievable how we celebrate our #refugeesweek2024 this happening so closed in our heart ๐งก we wrapped up our 5th performance in Luton Festival and honoured as this is their first Refugees Week Celebration.
Thank you so so much for supporting us...#thisisHome ๐งก๐ฅณ
Luton Council
Refugees Week for us just getting hotter on our 3rd performance at the Bradford Festival..woo hoo ๐ฅณ๐ฅณ๐ฅณ
Thank you so much City of Sanctuary Bradford Bradford Refugee Week for having us ๐งก
#ThisIsHome #refugeesweek2024
This how our Refugees Week started last week ๐ฅณ
First performance at the Leeds Playhouse on their 10th anniversary celebrations for being the very first Theatre of Sanctuary in the world ๐.
Thank you so much for always support us ๐งก
#thisisHome #RefugeesWeek
Great session today as we were having our special guest & @tongesayig from @khulaarts teaching us special performance for our next project on Refugees Weeks 2024 - Home & #LiftTheBan campaign.
In each & every performing our talent did we always build connections with our audiences. It's a beautiful & best human connection both ways happen through performing arts. Sharing our cultural music helps our mental well-being so much while battling living in the hostile of asylum process.
We have been nominated on the National Diversity Awards 2024, and we need your vote to win the award.
Your vote is appreciated for us to keep going. Please share it around, too. Thank you ๐งก
Click here ๐
Thank you, Leeds University: Faculty of Medical & Health, for inviting me to share my live experience living as an asylum seeker in the UK.
Sanctuary Got Talents not all about singing, dancing, reading poetry but we also have expert by experience speaker to share their life journey. If you an organisation/charity would like to invite us, do email us at [email protected]
Join our - Vocal Gym Now ๐ช
Very enjoyable & fun time to learn together ๐ฅณ๐
Today's lesson - Basic MOM Warm up ๐
If you (asylum seekers/refugees/migrants) are interested in being part of our amazing - Sanctuary Got Talents group or want our talents to perform at your events, please do not hesitate to contact us - [email protected]
Are you asylum seekers, refugees or migrants in LEEDS? We want to invite you to join our Sanctuary Got Talents group. Come to our open day for more information โน๏ธ
Thank you Leeds Asylum Seekers Supports Network (LASSN) for having us - Sanctuary Got Talents (SGT) at their AGM 2024 ๐ฅณ
If you too want to support or get involved with us please email us at [email protected]