If you do suffer from any allergies, intolerances or other dietary requirements please check the ingredients and nutritional information of each individual chocolate. And that you are fully aware of the ingredients and possible allergens found in each chocolate before ordering.
All products may contain traces of nuts (Including peanuts), Gluten, Dairy, Gelatine, Wheat etc. Please also note all products are prepared in areas with other products that may contain nuts (including peanuts).
If you do suffer from any allergies, intolerances or other dietary requirements please check the ingredients and nutritional information of each sweet. And that you are fully aware of the ingredients and possible allergens found in each sweet before ordering.
Unless otherwise stated please assume all sweets contain dairy nuts gluten wheat gelatine etc
Due to the nature of our business we are unable to guarantee that any of our products are free from traces of gluten or nuts unles othewise stated. Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries regarding our ingredient or allergen information before placing your order.