It was an unbelievable evening seeing our logo around the stadium and boxing ring 🥊 at such a huge historic event…
More importantly was two things; one when the ring announcer told everyone in the stadium about AMC and where to find us should they need help and the other…
Our ring guys…
Guys who have walked through the door having been rock bottom, used the group to help turn around their situation, became a facilitator or helper at their group and then at a huge event raising phenomenal awareness in front of 10,000s and on SKY SPORTS 📺
Add to that 70 additional legend facilitators in support flying the amc flags around the stadium and to see the conversations going on was unreal.
Still pinching ourself about it all 🙌🏽❤️
Tomorrow though is our game day - 112 Mens support groups open all across the UK 🇬🇧 at 7pm come along for a chat, listen and a brew ☕️