⭐️⭐️Our brand new investment for 2025⭐️⭐️ we now offer an audio & visual setup for your next event! Whether it be a comedy club or a conference we have you covered for lighting and audio! What’s more ? We also have acquired a stage! That’s right! A stage !! Indoor & outdoor see details on our website www.uniteweddingsandevents.co.uk ——————————————————-#lincolnshiredisco #lincoln #entertainmentlincoln #mobiledi #mobiledisco #needadiscolincolnshire #needadilincolnshire #djinlincoln #eventsdj #wedding #weddingdj #professionalpartydi #partydilincoln #pahire #lightinghire #doubletreebyhilton #whisbynaturalworldcentre #royalnavalclub #lincolnphotobooths #photoboothsupplier #photobooth #photoboothuk #lincolnphotography
Did you know we have a fancy new website ? Check it out now
~ Learn more about our services
~ Enquire about a date with our simple to use booking form
~ Checkout our journey and why we are now trusted suppliers to so many venue and events
~Live chat for 24/7 Help & guidance
& much more to come !
#lincolnshiredisco #lincoln
#entertainmentlincoln #mobiledi #mobiledisco #needadiscolincolnshire #needadilincolnshire #djinlincoln #eventsdj #wedding #weddingdj #professionalpartydj #partydilincoln #pahire #lightinghire #doubletreebyhilton #whisbynaturalworldcentre #royalnavalclub
#lincolnphotobooths #photoboothsupplier #photobooth #photoboothuk #lincolnphotography #uniteweddingsandevents
Back again for another year 🙌🏻
It’s not too early to book onto these nights !!
We’re back bigger than ever this year with more nights.
More nights = more party 🎉
We hope to see you there !
Hilton’s contact -
[email protected]
01522 565197
And quote “festive party nights”
#lincolnshiredisco #lincoln #entertainmentlincoln #mobiledj #mobiledisco #needadiscolincolnshire #needadilincolnshire #djinlincoln #eventsdj #wedding #weddingdj #professionalpartydj #partydilincoln #pahire #lightinghire #doubletreebyhilton
#whisbynaturalworldcentre #royalnavalclub
#lincolnphotobooths #photoboothsupplier #photobooth #photoboothuk #lincolnphotography
Dancefloor > desserts any day of the week ! We heard you loud and clear now let’s dance ! 🕺💃🪩
#lincolnshiredisco #lincoln
#entertainmentlincoln #mobiledj #mobiledisco #needadiscolincolnshire #needadjlincolnshire #djinlincoln #eventsdj #wedding #weddingdi #professionalpartydj #partydjlincoln #pahire #lightinghire #doubletreebyhilton #whisbynaturalworldcentre #royalnavalclub
#lincolnphotobooths #photoboothsupplier #photobooth #photoboothuk #lincolnphotography
Introducing our uplighting packages 🥳
Checkout our recent hire of uplighters we used 24 uplights to completley transform this venue inito a party paradise! The client can full customize these to suit the event, whats more our dis have full control over these using our industry leading lighting controller (woflmix) allowing us to change the look of the room with a push of a button, a warm white whilst dinner is being served?
Or maybe a red for when 50 cent is ringing in your ears ! The choice is compltley up to you ! Enquire about our uplight packages today !
And see how they can transform your event
#lincolnshiredisco #lincoln #entertainmentlincoln #mobiledj #mobiledisco #needadiscolincolnshire #needadilincolnshire #djinlincoln #eventsdj #wedding #weddingdj #professionalpartydj #partydilincoln #pahire #lightinghire #doubletreebyhilton
#whisbynaturalworldcentre #royalnavalclub
#lincolnphotobooths #photoboothsupplier #photobooth #photoboothuk #lincolnphotography