I have a beautiful offering called ‘The Coven’ that starts this month.
It is for women who feel that they are a round peg in a square hole. That how they feel does not match up with how they are expected to be. To help to understand what disempowers us and how we can find and use our intuition and power.
I have some amazing visiting experts over the course of the year :
- a coach specialising in women’s confidence,
an author and HR consultant specialising in the challenges women face at work,
a mentor with many special skills whose business revolves around empowering others,
and me - a nature based practitioner whose skills lie with the earth and calling people back to it.
It is a mixture of practical advice, mentoring and coaching, using the power of nature and energy, a bit magical - a mix of things to use a wide range of expertise and techniques to help you to step into yourself.
It is emotional, empowering and magical and it was an honour to share it with such magnificent women last year.
I’m here to answer any questions you might have or if you want to talk it through. There is accommodation on site if you are a distance away 🧡