The pipers who came along to support the National Florist Day. Thank you for your time and your playing was more than enjoyable. Everyone enjoyed listening to you play xx
#nationalforistday #proudtobeaflirist #nationalfloristday2024 #flowermagicians #farmersmarket
The Flower Shop is delighted to take part in the Argyll and Bute Card Campaign. Lochgilphead is lucky to have so many local business and communities working together to keep spending local.
Watch this film and find out what Argyll and Bute has to offer in your local area and why Business Ambassadors have signed up to the Argyll and Bute Card scheme.
Local Businesses, don't miss out - to sign up to thr scheme visit it takes less than a minute!
@ArgyllandButeCouncil Scotland's Towns
#abplace2b #ScotlandLovesLocal #shoplocal #argyllandbutecard#lovelochgilphead #shoplocal#midargyllshoplocal