The Monday Night Quiz

The Monday Night Quiz The Monday Night Quiz - every week at The Woodman pub, next to Highgate tube station in north London.

1st prize: Cash
2nd prize: £20 bar tab
3rd prize: £15 bar tab
4th prize: £10 bar tab
5th prize: £5 bar tab

Not sure about the “middle-aged man” bit.

Not sure about the “middle-aged man” bit.

Online quizzes just feel too earnest. I’m dreaming of the day when I’m handed a printed quiz sheet sticky with ale, says culture writer Eleanor Salter


Christmas going too smoothly? Worried you’ll have nothing to argue or have a breakdown about? Then do not fear - here is a Monday Night Quizmas just for you! The answers will appear on here when I recover from my hangover sometime in January.

In the meantime, from all of us here at Quiz HQ, have the best Christmas you can, stay safe, and if in doubt, don’t go out.

Merry Christmas!



1. Which book begins “Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without any presents”?
2. The song ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’ first appeared in which film?
3. In which pantomime would you meet the character Dandini?
4. The word advent means a) arrival, b) waiting, c) the final countdown?
5. In Victorian times, what was marched from Norfolk to London before Christmas?
6. According to Dr Seuss, what was wrong with The Grinch’s heart?
7. Who composed the music for The Nutcracker ballet?
8. Which actress said “I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked me for my autograph”?
9. Which song was recorded as a duet between Bing Crosby and David Bowie?
10. Which festive accessory was invented by the London confectioner in the 1840s?


1. Who is the Pumpkin King in Tim Burton’s ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’?
2. What is The Gryla’s favourite snack?
3. In which decade were traditional Christmas celebrations banned in England?
4. What kind of Christmas did Elvis Presley have in 1957?
5. The Krampus is said to be half demon and half of what creature?
6. Which dictator was executed by firing squad on Christmas Day 1989?
7. In which country do the Kallikantzaroi come from under the ground to spread trouble during the twelve days of Christmas?
8. What was stolen from Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day in 1950?
9. Which festive plant’s name comes from the Anglo-Saxon for “dung on a twig”?
10. What did Everton and Newcastle football clubs do at Christmas in 2017?


1. Which word means “the turning of the Sun”?
2. Who sings the first line of Do They Know It’s Christmas (1984)?
3. Which song was sung during the Christmas truce of 1914?
4. What was used for the first time by St Francis of Assisi to teach people about Christmas?
5. On Christmas Eve in Rome, what kind of fish is it traditional to serve?
6. What weapon is given to Susan by Father Christmas in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe?
7. Which famous Christmas gift is also known as the oil of Lebanon?
8. What does Emma Thompson’s character receive as a gift from her husband in the worst film ever Love Actually?
9. In which city is Kevin lost in Home Alone 2?
10. How many of Santa’s reindeer have names that begin with D?

Celebrating The Monday Night Quiz’s 10th birthday at The Woodman (9 years with me at the helm of Quiz HQ) with a rose an...

Celebrating The Monday Night Quiz’s 10th birthday at The Woodman (9 years with me at the helm of Quiz HQ) with a rose and a couple of thorns. Keep safe everyone and we will be back as soon as possible.


The Monday Night Quiz is taking a break until a sense of normality returns. I will let you all know well in advance if Quiz HQ gets reopened.

In the meantime, if anyone wants old copies of the MNQ, just drop me a line on here.


Tonight’s start time: 7.30pm

Tonight’s end time: 9.30pm

Usual questions and stuff in between.



***NEW END TIME 9.30PM***


In order to comply with the new regulations, we will begin and wrap up tomorrow’s quiz early. Hopefully people will still be able to make it and we can keep the quiz running during the opening hours restrictions.

For a 2pt bonus, look up the answer to this question: Which singer released ‘Pata Pata’ in 1967?

See you at 7.30pm!


It’s quiz night again tomorrow and we’ve got bar tabs galore to hand out as prizes.

For a 2pt bonus, look up the answer to this question: What nationality was Bernard Crohn, who gave his name to Crohn’s Disease?

See you at 8pm tomorrow!


Don’t forget the Monday Night Quiz starts at 8pm tonight with maximum team sizes of 6.

Our tables are spread apart and our wonderful bar staff are on hand to provide table service.


Pub. Pens. Quiz.

The Monday Night Quiz is back tomorrow at 8pm - although teams must now have a maximum of 6 people.

For a 2pt bonus: Who was deposed by Odoacer?

See you there!


We are excitedly getting ready for the return of The Monday Night Quiz at The Woodman tomorrow at 8pm.

Remember to book a table to be sure of your space (020 8340 3016).

Your bonus question for this week is: What is a harlequin rasbora?

See you tomorrow night for the new normal and the same old ****.


As we get ready to relaunch the best quiz in North London, which songs would you like to see added to our quiz playlist?



8pm - 10pm

£1 per team member - no limit on team sizes

Prizes include:
£20, £15, £10 and £5 drinks vouchers

Please book your table in advance to be sure of a space.

Please bring your own pen.

If you don’t wish the Quiz Master to give you clues at your table, please make this clear and throw your entry fees at him at Quiz HQ.

Each team will get their own play doh which is not to be returned at the end of the quiz.

Remember to check Facebook or Twitter for the bonus question.

Please be patient with all Quiz and Woodman staff as we do our best to return Monday nights to normal by bringing you Highgate’s best pub quiz.

I can’t wait to see you all next week.

Best wishes,



I will be announcing the return date of The Monday Night Quiz at The Woodman in the next couple of days.

The format of the quiz will be the same (nearly 9 years old and still no improvement) but there will be slight changes in the way it is delivered.

In the meantime, I hope you’re all safe and well and I look forward to seeing you all soon.


Dear Quizzers, The Monday Night Quiz will return - but not tomorrow. Please keep checking back for further updates and I hope to see you all soon.


Dear Quizzers,

I’m afraid with all the preparation I’ve had to do for my class returning to school, I haven’t had any time to post any questions for you tonight. I will do my best to add something later in the week. As always, I hope you’re all keeping well and I look forward to us all returning to MNQ as soon as we can.

Very best wishes,



It's nearly 8 o'clock...
It's Tuesday morning.....?

It's time for The Monday Night Quiz! Yes folks, due to some technical difficulties and a couple of gins, I wasn't able to post the quiz last night. But here it is for you as a Tuesday morning surprise. This one is taken from a quiz I did in June 2015 in aid of the Tabora League for Children, a charity which does a lot of excellent work in Tanzania.


Is it true or false that an ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain?
In which of the Grimms’ fairy tales does the witch end up in the oven?
New Orleans airport is named after which musician?
In Angry Birds, what animals do the birds hurl themselves at?
How many prime numbers are between 10 and 20?
What is the common name for iron oxide?
What name is given to a poker hand where all cards are of the same suit but not in running order?
In which city was The Wire set?
Boyzone had a hit with which Cat Stevens song?
If James is number 5, Henry is number 3, and Edward is number 2, who is number 1?


It was a bright cold day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen.
My father’s family name being Pirrip, and my Christian name Philip, my infant tongue could make of both names nothing longer or more explicit than Pip.
It was seven minutes after midnight. The dog was lying on the grass in the middle of the lawn in front of Mrs Shears’ house.
Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.
1801 - I have just returned from a visit to my landlord - the solitary neighbour that I shall be troubled with.
All children, except one, grow up.
Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy.
“I see....” said the vampire thoughtfully, and slowly he walked across the room towards the window.
I scowl with frustration at myself in the mirror. Damn my hair - it just won’t behave, and damn Katherine Kavanagh for being ill and subjecting me to this ordeal.
It was the day my grandmother exploded.


Vaselina and Brillantino are alternative names for which film?
What was the name of Michael Jackson’s chimpanzee?
In Star Trek, Bones was the ship’s what?
Which former Wimbledon champion was found guilty of tax evasion in 2002?
What was the name of King Lear’s youngest daughter?
The male lead in which musical has been played by David Essex, Antonio Banderas and Ricky Martin?
The furniture maker Robert Thompson used what as his signature carving?
The Titanic had two sister ships. Britannic was one. What was the other?
Which poem contains the line “Water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink?”
What is the more common name for the body’s myeloid tissue?


It's Monday night...
It's nearly 8 o'clock....
The rules apply to you but not to me....
It's time for The Monday Night Quiz!

Once again, I hope you're all keeping well and responsibly enjoying the sunshine. Here are a few questions for you to handle while I pop up to Durham.


What does the Y in YMCA stand for?
At the 1996 Olympics, who was disqualified from the men’s 100m after two false starts?
In monetary slang, how much is a pony?
Joe Strummer was the lead singer of which famous band?
What is the currency of India?
The character Jaws appears in which two Bond films?
In sport, where would you find a tic-tac man?
Which two words usually begin the titles of episodes of the TV show Friends?
From which French novelist is the term sa**sm derived?
In the movie world, how is Nicholas Kim Coppola better known?


Which three colours make up the flag of Bulgaria?
Which flag is raised when a ship leaves port?
Which flag is raised when the Queen is in residence at a royal building?
How many stars are on the flag of the EU?
What do the stars on the Australian flag represent?
What 2 colours are used on semaphore flags?
What colour flag signifies that drivers should exercise caution in a Formula One race?
A Kalashnikov AK47 features on the design of which country’s flag?
Which country has the world’s only non-oblong international flag?
What unusual characteristic do the flags of Moldova and Paraguay have in common?


Which line on the underground stops at the most stations?
What is the only bird to have nostrils at the tip of its beak?
What is the name of Betty and Barney Rubble’s son?
How many strings does a violin have?
Riga is the capital of which country?
In the Bible, what part of Adam is used to make Eve?
What is measured in Scoville units?
What was Pink Floyd’s only UK number 1 single?
Whose official residence is Lambeth Palace?
In which British city was Guy Fawkes born and Dick Turpin killed?


It’s Monday...
It’s going to be 8pm later on....
It’s time for The Monday Night Quiz!

I hope you’re all well and ready for another round of questions, which this week date back to May 2018. I’m sure it won’t be long now until we can do this face to face. Keep safe.


1. Who was the British kind during World War 1?
2. Who played Janet in the 1975 film The Rocky Horror Picture Show?
3. What is the only English anagram of the word stationed?
4. In the Wizard of Oz, what does the lion ask the wizard for?
5. What does NATO stand for?
6. Masked, hermit, and spider are all types of what?
7. What is the capital city of South Korea?
8. What precious stone links Dorothy Gale and Lee Harvey Oswald?
9. Catherine Morland is the heroine of which Austen novel?
10. Machinists of which car manufacturer went on strike for equal pay in 1968?


1. Which city held the tournament in 2016?
2. Which country did Celine Dion represent when she won in 1988?
3. How many times has Cliff Richard participated?
4. What is the name of the bearded drag artist who won for Austria in 2014?
5. Which was the first UK entry to score a total of nul points?
6. What was the last UK entry to go to number 1 in the UK charts?
7. Which country has won the competition the most?
8. What was the title of Katrina and the Waves’ 1997 winning song?
9. The youngest winner was Sandra Kim, who won for Belgium in 1988. How old was she?
10. Which comedy character entered a song called My Lovely Horse?


1. What does JVC stand for?
2. In which city was the world’s first skyscraper built?
3. Which Spanish word is used in English slang to mean quickly or promptly?
4. Which internet browser shares its name with a race of people from Gulliver’s Travels?
5. What is triskaidekaphobia the fear of?
6. What star sign would you be if you were born on New Year’s Eve?
7. What is the sum of the internal angles of a pentagon?
8. For how many years are French presidents elected?
9. Where Everybody Knows Your Name was the theme tune to which TV show?
10. HMS Belfast is part of which museum?


It's Monday night...
It's almost 8pm...
We're all confused.....
It's time for The Monday Night Quiz!

It looks like we won't be back in person until July, so here are this week's flashback question. Tonight we head back to May 2018. Have a go if you're feeling alert enough and I'll post the answers tomorrow.


In the nursery rhyme, what does little Miss Muffet eat?
What is the largest artery in the human body?
What bird is famed for nesting on chimneys?
Which famous artist painted The Potato Eaters and Cypress Road?
What does a cartographer make?
Which socialite was driven around by Parker?
Who was the famous son of Uther Pendragon?
Which coin was introduced in the UK in October 1969?
Which of Charles Dickens’ characters described himself as very ‘umble?
What kind of wheel was invented by Blaise Pascal in a search for perpetual motion?


True or false: Bonnie and Clyde were a married couple?
Who presented the Oscar for Best Picture in 2017?
Which couple wrote the score for Oklahoma?
Which two football teams make up the Old Firm?
Which couple made their first appearance in Puss Gets The Boot in 1940?
Which piece of music accompanied Torvill and Dean as they danced their way to Olympic gold?
Little Bot and Fat Man were two famous what?
A couple of guys who were up to no good feature in the opening credits of which TV show?
Who announced their conscious uncoupling in 2014?
Which couple of trouble makers accompany the Cat in the Hat?


What is behind the right leg of Michelangelo’s David?
Whose best friend is a rabbit called Thunder?
What is the name of a beer mug with a hinged lid?
Which emperor had the nickname The Lion of Judah?
What term refers to arable land that is left unseeded for one season?
In which sport is the Swaythling Cup contested?
Which famous pianist wanted you to meet his brother George?
What was the previous name of the Zaire River?
Who was the first person to say the F word on British TV?
What is the correct way to address an ambassador?


It's Monday night...
It's almost 8pm...
It's time for The Monday Night Quiz!

Once again, I hope you're all keeping safe and well, and I really look forward to seeing you again soon. In the meantime, here's a quiz that we first did in April 2017. Give it a try if you like and I'll post the answers later on. No prizes, it's just for fun!

Don't forget, if anyone would like any of my old quizzes than I am happy to send them over. Just message me for a link.


Which metal has the chemical symbol Ag?
What C describes a group of ants?
Anna Mae Bullock is the real name of which performer?
In which film did a dog called Bruiser Woods first appear?
What river flows through the city of Cardiff?
Who sang the theme tune to the Bond film For Your Eyes Only?
In which year did Martin Luther King make his ‘I Have A Dream’ speech? (+/- 2 years)
Who wrote the music and lyrics to the musical Anything Goes?
A jenny is the female of which animal?
What type of antique furniture was a cheval?


With which novel would you associate the sailor Ishmael and the ship The Pequod?
Which famous poem is made up of five sections, including A Game of Chess and The Burial of the Dead?
In which play by JB Priestley are the Birling family educated about social responsibility?
What kind of animal was Tarka?
Who killed Grendl and Grendl’s mother?
Who wrote The Great Gatsby?
Which popular modern gothic series was written by Stephanie Meyer?
Which book completes the trilogy, following Titus Groan and Titus Alone?
Which comedian wrote The Boy in the Dress?
Which duchess was persecuted by her two brothers for marrying beneath her class?


In which decade did John Logie Baird invent television?
In Italian cuisine, what is aglio?
Which has the greater landmass, North or South Korea?
Which fashion house uses the head of Medusa as its logo?
Which popular sweets were named after a play by JM Barrie?
Which TV show is set in The Sacred Heart hospital?
Which German composer attempted su***de by throwing himself into the Rhine in 1854 but only died 2 years later in an asylum?
Which sport is played by Racing Metro?
Daffodils belong to which genus of bulbs?
In which country was the Seat car originally made?


It's (almost) 8 o'clock....
It's Monday night.....
It's time for The Monday Night Quiz!

We're only skipping back a short time this week to a quiz we delivered in April 2019. Give it a go if you fancy, and I'll post the answers later on.

Hope you're all happy, safe, and healthy.


On which island did the dodo live?
In Peter Pan, what had the crocodile swallowed that alerted people to its presence?
Professor Brian Cox was once a member of which chart topping group?
In which British town would you find the Pepsi Max Big One?
Which product is advertised with the slogan “Maybe she’s born with it”?
For the Love of God, which is encrusted with over 8000 diamonds, is a work of art by which artist?
‘Cogito ergo sum’ translates as what famous philosophical statement?
“Question or nominate?” was a question heard on which TV quiz show?
A silver wedding anniversary is traditionally celebrated after how many years?
During which period did the dinosaurs become extinct?


According to legend, which London landmark would collapse if the ravens flew away?
In which century did Hadrian begin to build his wall?
Aiden Gillen played Stuart Alan Jones in which TV show?
What was the name of Ed Sheeran’s debut album?
Which series of books by Cressida Cowell contains dragons?
What, excluding mortgages, is the average UK household debt?
What was Jerome Flynn’s first number 1 song?
Emilia Clarke and Lena Heady have both played which character on TV?
Jon Snow was criticised in March 2019 for saying he had never seen so many what in one place?
Do more of the GoT cast appear in the Harry Potter, James Bond, or Star Wars films?


What is the only anagram of the word undemocratise?
What is the common name for the tympanic membrane?
What was the profession of Walter Palmer, who killed Cecil the Lion in 2015?
What title did Matthew Hopkin hold from 1644 to 1646?
Which of the Spice Girls is the youngest?
Which breakfast cereal was advertised by Ian Botham?
In which country was Che Guevara killed?
Which film contains the Simon & Garfunkel songs The Sound of Silence and Scarborough Fair?
What is the chemical symbol for tin?
Which car manufacturer produces the Portofino?


It’s 8pm....
It’s Monday night....

It’s time for The Monday Night Quiz!

Here are a few questions we first posed all the way back in August 2013. The theme round is based on summer to coincide with the lovely weather expected this week. Have a go for the fun of it, and don’t forget you can order from The Woodman on UberEats while you’re arguing about the answers.

Hope you’re all well!


1. Which singer had a hit with ‘Twenty-Four Hours From Tulsa’?
2. The month of January is named after which Roman god?
3. The world record for throwing which item has been held by the Scots Lorne Coltart and Alan Pettigrew?
4. Which musical asks the questions ‘Why Can’t The English Teach Their Children How To Speak?’ and ‘Why Can’t A Woman Be More Like A Man?’
5. From what type of stone was the Taj Mahal built?
6. What nationality was Edward Elgar?
7. What sport would you be playing if you were competing for the Harry Vardon trophy?
8. In the film and TV series ‘The Fugitive’, what was the profession of the fugitive?
9. Which city is served by Schiphol airport?
10. In which decade was Albert Einstein born?


1. Which band had a hit with ‘In The Summertime’ in 1970?
2. Which TV soap opera is set in Summer Bay?
3. In Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland, who made what on a summer’s day?
4. On what date is the summer solstice?
5. How is the singer LaDonna Gaynes better known?
6. Who is missing from the line-up of lovers: Demetrius, Lysander, Hermia,....?
7. Whose summer villa is at Castel Gandolfo?
8. Which actor, later to find fame in It Ain’t ‘Alf Hot Mum’, played one of Cliff Richards’ friends in the film Summer Holiday?
9. The film Sommersby (question included because I misspelt it in 2013) starred Richard Gere and which actress?
10. Esther Summerson is the heroine of which novel by Charles Dickens?


1. What was the name of the helicopter created by the Duchess of York?
2. Which newspaper produced the first colour supplement in 1962?
3. In which country is the highest mountain in South America?
4. Robert Englund is best known for playing which character?
5. Who was the mother of Oedipus?
6. Who painted The Night Watch in 1642?
7. How many world titles did Muhammad Ali contest under the name Cassius Clay?
8. Which philosopher wrote the book Beyond Good and Evil?
9. Which sport was invented by Dr James Naismith in Massachusetts in 1891?
10. Who was the Poet Laureate between 1972 and 1984?


It’s Monday night....
It’s later than it should be...

It’s time for The Monday Night Quiz!

Here’s a few rounds from August 2015. Have a go if you fancy. I’ll post the answers later on. Good luck!


1. Which bird lays the largest eggs?
2. How many points has a Star of David?
3. Which department store is ‘Never knowingly undersold’?
4. Which historical event does the Monument in London commemorate?
5. What does Paddington prefer in his sandwiches?
6. Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers duetted on which 1983 hit?
7. What was the first name of the 18th century philosopher Kant?
8. Who composed the opera The Magic Flute in 1791?
9. What was the name of the first dog to go to space?
10. Which animated film connects Jeremy Irons, James Earl-Jones, Rowan Atkinson and Whoopi Goldberg?


1. What do the letters QC stand for?
2. Who was the Demon Barber of Fleet Street?
3. Who committed su***de during his trial for living off immoral earnings in 1963?
4. Which East end pub served as a base for the Kray Twins?
5. Cato Fong was the man servant of which law enforcer?
6. What kind of hat was worn by Jack “The Hat” McVitie?
7. Which Home Secretary established the Metropolitan Police Force in 1829?
8. What was the strap line of the film Naked Gun 33 1/3?
9. Which infamous highwayman was born in Hertfordshire and hanged in York aged 33?
10. The punishment known as Ba*****do involves caning which part of the body?


1. What J is a grey headed member of the corvid family?
2. Which British university has the highest number of enrolled students?
3. Does Thorp, as in Scunthorpe, mean a) market, b) bridge, c) castle?
4. What is the full name of the American government agency IRS?
5. In Australia, the Murray-Darling is a what?
6. Named after an American physician, wha my name is given to the first test given to a newborn baby?
7. The dishevelled cartoon character Norville Rogers is better known as what?
8. Duncan, burgundy, and marsh are all varieties of what?
9. In Greek mythology, which beautiful youth was loved by Aphrodite and killed by a boar?
10. What did Joe DiMaggio, James Dougherty, and Arthur Miller have in common?

It seems like quizzing has never been more popular. If anyone would like some old questions to run a family quiz, feel f...

It seems like quizzing has never been more popular. If anyone would like some old questions to run a family quiz, feel free to ask and I'll see what I can do. Hope you're all well.

Eggheads quizmaster Jeremy Vine is here to improve your quizzing.


It’s 8 o’clock....
It’s Monday night...
There’s nothing better to do...

It’s time for The Monday Night Quiz!

Here’s a throwback to July 2018 for you to argue over. Last week’s quiz was quite arty-farty so I’ve plumped for more science this week. I’ll post the answers later. Hope you’re all well.


1. Who was Robin Hood’s priest?
2. What is a male honey bee called?
3. What do the letters PB against a runner’s name indicate?
4. In which country is the city of Mogadishu?
5. In Scrabble, what is the letter P worth?
6. What is the chemical symbol for silver?
7. Who lived on Cemetery Ridge?
8. Which county cricket club has its home at Edgbaston?
9. How many degrees are in each internal angle of a regular hexagon?
10. What record did Pulp Fiction’s Vincent and Mia dance to in the twist contest at Jackrabbit Slim’s?


1. In which part of your body would you find the only bone that is not attached to any other bone?
2. What common name is given to sufferers of kyphosis?
3. Which organ is primarily affected by hepatitis?
4. Which is the only muscle in the body to only be attached at one end?
5. How many pairs of chromosomes does a human cell have?
6. Which has more bones in the human body - the hand or the foot?
7. What is the rarest blood type in the UK?
8. What word describes someone who can use both hands with equal ease?
9. The condition of seasonal rhinitis is better known as what?
10. What are the names given to the pits in the skin from where hairs grow?


1. In type setting, what is the term for a word that starts on one line and carries on to the next? A) Orphan, 😎 Widow, C) Twin
2. Who was the Egyptian god of the Sun?
3. Ingrid Bergan and Judy Garland has what sort of flowers named after them?
4. What nationality was TS Eliot?
5. The Watchtower is the magazine of which religious group?
6. On the EC scale for egg sizes, is 1 the smallest or largest?
7. The silver hallmark of a harp belongs to which city?
8. In which film would you meet the character P***y Galore?
9. What does a black fire extinguisher contain?
10. Who was the last Governor of Hong Kong?


It’s 8 o’clock...
It’s Monday night...
It’s time for the lockdown Monday Night Quiz!

Here’s a throwback to a quiz we did in October 2018. Have a go and let me know how you did in the comments. I’ll give the answers out later tonight.

There have been a few people asking whether MNQ will be streamed live at any point in future, but I’m not sure how many people would be interested or whether I’ve got the technical knowledge to make it work.

Anyway, please enjoy this week’s quiz...


1. In computing, what does RAM stand for?
2. The Mayflower is more commonly known as what type of plant?
3. ‘Let the Sunshine In’ is the finale of which stage musical?
4. The Hindu god Ganesh has the head of which animal?
5. What gives Earl Grey its distinctive flavour?
6. How many hearts does an octopus have?
7. Where would you go to ride on the Nemesis?
8. According to Rudyard Kipling, what are the two imposters who should, if met, be treated just the same?
9. What does the term cheval-vapeur mean in English?
10. Which Cole Porter song was released by Kirsty MacColl in 1993?


1. In which Dickens novel would you meet Mr Jaggers?
2. Who wrote the opera Madame Butterfly?
3. Which famous Latin phrase is commonly translated as “Seize the day”?
4. What type of animal is Snowball in George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’?
5. Whose autobiography is entitled ‘Dreams From My Father’?
6. Which newspaper does Peter Parker work for?
7. Which painter was nicknamed Jack the Dripper?
8. Who was the father of Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia?
9. At which number on Baker Street did Sherlock Holmes live?
10. Which artist would you associate with The Battle of Trafalgar, The Fighting Temeraire, and The Great Western Railway?


1. What is Miss Marple’s first name?
2. Which country borders Russia, Sweden, and Norway?
3. What colour dot denotes the fastest ball used in a game of squash?
4. How many crotchets are there in a semibreve?
5. Who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1909 for his work on the wireless?
6. Which English football team were named after Edward VII’s wife?
7. What is the lowest commissioned rank in the RAF?
8. Which dish has the literal meaning “pepper water”?
9. Which nymph occupied Hera with her incessant talking?
10. Which swashbuckling literary hero is named after a fox?


It’s nearly 8pm.....
It’s Monday night.....
It’s time for The Monday Night Quiz!

I hope you’re all keeping as well as possible, and if you’re in need of an excellent meal, don’t forget that The Woodman is able to offer a full menu as takeaway through Ubereats.

Anyway, here are 10 current affairs questions that I really, really had to scrabble around for. Don’t phone, it’s just for fun!

1. Which song did Kenny Rogers duet with Dolly Parton?

2. What did over 50,000 people in Japan flock to see on Saturday?

3. Which song did Gael Gadot and her Hollywood friends record line by line, only to be spoofed by British comedians?

4. Which politician was cleared of all sexual assault charges?
5. According to the UN, which country is the happiest place to live?

6. Which member of the royal family was forced to cancel her wedding?

7. Which high street sandwich chain has closed after 24 years?

8. Which global leader has called the current crisis a media trick?

9. Who ran a free online PE lesson for Britain’s children today?

10. Today in 1923, Frank Silver and Irving Conn released the song “Yes, we have no.....”?


414 Archway Road


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