Die beste Küche aller Zeiten
Zweiter Tag im meinen neuen Haus. Spent the weekend cleaning the house, went for a grocery for the first time in Berlin, still amazes me Howe cheap everything is. Also practiced my Geiger for two days, so far no complaints. While there seems to be two other tenants at each end of the corridor on the floor, good thing that there is no apartment unit across the hallway. The building is usually silent makes me wonder what the neighbors are up to. Berliners don't seem to bother closing the curtains, wonder if they even installed any. Looking down into the courtyard from the top occasionally, the scenery reminds me of the film, lives of the others. Although I believe there are no Stasi nor Gestapos nowadays, having watched so many movies & TV series dealing with antagonizing Germans, I often feel like living in the city of the past times, but I can only wish that history sometimes doesn't repeat itself. Now that I have some lone time to spare, started watching Babylon Berlin. Yet based in another time period during the turbulent times of Weimar Republic, provides further insight into the history of Germany and the actions take place in Berlin! The city so full of unique history, one doesn't get tired of Berlin. (at Hoonio Berlin)