📣 Get ready for the 2024 Macclesfield Oktoberfest! 🥨🍻 🎺🪗This October, our beloved Priory Park will transform into the ultimate celebration for the Macclesfield and East Cheshire community.🎪Marquee event 🎺🥁🪗 Live Music, large brass band & more!🥨🌭Fantastic traditional food🍻 & don’t forget the steins! ℹ️ Check out all the info and ticket options on the link below: https://www.macclesfieldrufc.co.uk/event/macclesfield-oktoberfest-2024/#macclesfield #thingstodo #oktoberfest #oktoberfest2024 #party #community #livemusic #greattimes SK104AE
🗓️2024’s bookings are filling up, book now with Macclesfield’s premier destination for corporate meetings, business events, festivals, weddings, wakes, parties, functions and much more.
📧 Reach out to our events team at [email protected]
👩💻 Visit our website
#macclesfield #eventplanning #partiesandevents #functionspace #meetingspaces #weddingvenue #venuehire
Priory Park Venue covid safe
Enjoy a pint with your friends and be safe in our bar 👌