This is slowing down your Wedding Weight Loss Progress!
Your workouts lack intensity.
What do I mean by instensity?
I'm not talking about running round like a blue ar*e fly...
We have 2-3 hours to workout per week realistcally right?
So why spend that time sat on your phone, not bothering about putting in 100% of what you have.
Not concentrating.
No real intent.
Who do you think will make more progess in a shorter amount of time?
The bride who's technique is constantly improving.
Who's always pushing that extra few minutes or KG's.
Following a structured plan staying consistent with each workout.
The Bride who's jumping on whatever equipment is available.
Sat on her phone.
Guessing at how to use the machine.
Stopping person they feel tired.
You guessed it.
If you'd like some help with a gym programme to follow...
There is currently a free one in my BIO, check it out!
#weddingweightloss #weddingfitness #wedding2025 #weddingworkout #bridetobeuk
Make Wedding Weight Loss EASY with this!⬇
Aim for 7-8 hours sleep.
Eat high quality food by this I mean consume mostly whole, nutritious food.
Lift weights.
I've made that super simple.
It's not as complicated as people make out.
Bride to be looking to feel your best in time for the Wedding?
Your in the right place...
Hit the link in my BIO forThe Ultimate Wedding Fitness Pack.
👉 My proven strategy that has helped over 100 Future Brides ditch the crash diets and build an unbreakable routine.
👉 How to stay more consistent than ever with your health and fitness.
👉 Tons of recipes and meal inspiration.
👉 X2 Video Trainings on topics that will help you sky rocket your progress.
👉 X3 Meal example guides so you can take the guesswork out of your nutrition.
👉 A Massive 12 week gym exercise plan with video demonstrations included!
Lets goo!💍
Bride To Be on a Wedding Glow Up Journey?💍
You need this!⬇
The Ultimate Wedding Fitness Pack.
Forget the Wedding budget, this is completely FREE.
Packed with the most effective and realistic tips to make sure you feel your best in time for the big day!
👉 My proven strategy that has helped over 100 Future Brides ditch the crash diets and build an unbreakable routine.
👉 How to stay more consistent than ever with your health and fitness.
👉 Tons of recipes and meal inspiration.
👉 X2 Video Trainings on topics that will help you sky rocket your progress.
👉 X3 Meal example guides so you can take the guesswork out of your nutrition.
👉 A Massive 12 week gym exercise plan with video demonstrations included!
Thats enough waffle...
Brides and Wedding Go-Ers, If you want a FREE copy simple head to the link in my BIO and grab it for yourself!
It's that easy, what do you have to lose,
The recipe packs are worth the download on their own!🔗
My client & Bride To Be Ellie felt stuck in a rut, she knew she needed some help.
She needed someone to guide her through the whole process of sustainable weight loss without the need for any heavy restrictions.
Something where she could still enjoy life but have a battle plan of how to get through social events and holidays to the point where she could get straight back into routine.
Finding the ultimate consistency was key too!
Insde my Free Training I'm giving away the exact framework Ellie has used to tranform her mindset around her Wedding diet.
One that means:
➡️ She doesn't have to be super restrictive.
➡️ Can still enjoy social and family events.
➡️ Is able to stay more consistent than ever before.
➡️ She doesn't need to keep guessing if what she's doing will get her the desired outcome.
Learn how to Ditch the Wedding Crash Diets & Feel incredible in time for the Big Day!
Click the link in my bio to access the free training and start working towards your goals today!
#weddingdiet #weddingwellness #weddingweightloss #weddingweightlossjourney #bridediet #confidentbride
Bride To Be Workout Masterclass Part 1:
This exercise is a MUST for any Wedding workout programme,
Whether you exercise from at home or the gym, the Stiff Leg Deadlift should be a part of your workout!
Technique with this is super important.
It's probably the main exercise that people get wrong.
My Advice, try the broom handle method before you even touch a weight.
Need any more help with your Wedding workouts?
Or your Wedding Weight loss?
Learn how to Ditch the Wedding Crash Diets & Feel incredible in time for the Big Day!
👉 My proven strategy that has helped over 100 Future Brides to this day feel their best for the Wedding.
👉 How to stay more consistent than ever with your health and fitness.
👉 The most effective ways to lose weight without a single crash diet in-sight!
👉 Plus tons more info to help you get started!
Hit the link in my Bio for all the details!
#weddingweightloss #weddingdiet #bridetobeuk #healthybride #weddingworkout
Heres why some Brides find it hard to lose weight effectively!
They don’t use high volume foods to their advantage.
Its been drilled into us to ‘eat less’ for years.
But eating less doesn’t mean you will lose weight, or feel good for that matter.
Infact eating less means you’ll likely increase the urge to snack or eat larger meals when you inevitably feel hungry.
Therefore in total you consume more calories and end up feeling crap for it.
Ready to learn how to Ditch the Wedding Crash Diets & Feel incredible in time for the Big Day!
I've got the perfect gift for you,
👉 My proven strategy that has helped over 100 Future Brides to this day feel their best for the Wedding.
👉 How to stay more consistent than ever with your health and fitness.
👉 The most effective ways to lose weight without a single crash diet in-sight!
👉 Plus tons more info to help you get started!
Hit the link in my Bio for a copy of my free training and get started today!
#bridetobeuk #weddingweightlossjourney #weddingweightloss #confidentbride #bridediet #weddingdiet #weddingwellness #healthybride
Bride To Be tone your arms with these exercises! ⬇️
Ok, I'm lying, kind of.
These exercises will help tone and strengthen your arms...
But only if you are also consistent with your nutrition.
Consistent with your daily expenditure.
Don't just expect to pick up weights and melt the bingo wings in a couple of weeks.
It takes time, consistency and proper technique.
And I have a complete training on how you can do all this.
Completely FREE.
Ready to learn How To Ditch The Wedding Crash Diet & Feel Incredible In Time For The Big Day?
I have he MOST Effective, Affordable & Consistent Wedding Weight Loss Strategy to help you feel your best WITHOUT joining that dreaded slimming club...again.
Hit the link in my BIO to grab your free copy today!
#wedding2025 #weddingworkout #weddingweightloss #bridetobeuk #weddingfitness #weddingweightlossjourney #bridediet #weddingbody #weddingdiet
Hate the phrase - 'Sweating for the Wedding'?
The fact is not everyone loves to exercise.
But that doesn't mean you can't feel you BEST in time for your Wedding.
Or forever for the matter.
Sure exericse is great for your physical and mental health...
But it's not actuallly as 'good' as you might think for weight loss?
90% of weight loss comes down to the amount of calories you consume.
Consistently, over time.
And that exactly how I help the Bride To Be's in side my membership.
The Bridal Blitz.
I've put together a FREE training that will give you actionable steps you can start using on your own Wedding journey.
Even if you did hate PE in School.
The FREE training will give you an insight ino how my client and Bride To Be Sophie, lost 20lbs and changed her mindset around losing weight for good!
Head to the link in my BIO now to grab your free copy!
#weddingweightloss #weddingwellness #weddingfitness #bridediet #weddingmotivation #weddingdressdiet #bridetobeuk #weddingweightlossjourney #weddingweightlosstips
Bride To Be are Struggling to stay consistent for more than a week?
Consistency is single handedly the most important part of your Wedding weight loss journey.
So why can't you stick to your self set targets for long enough to see the desired result?
1: The goals you've set yourself are too far ahead!
Break things ups, create shorter goals and ones that don't mean you need to break a leg to reach them.
2: Make sure you actually have a routine.
If you dont know what you are doing and when, adding in a restricitive diet and exercise plan is not going to help.
It's probably going to make things worse when you realised you can't stick to it after a couple of weeks.
Start simple, make it work for you, not against.
Actually using a planner will help too.
3: You can't hold youself accountable.
And I'm exactly the same. Sometimes having that external accountability away from your partner or friends can ten fold your consistency.
The Bridal Blitz Group Coaching Membership is now LIVE!
And it's perfect for any Bride To Be's that struggle to remain consistent when it comes to feeling their best for their Wedding.
To find out more and join my team,
Hit the link in my BIO for all the details!
#weddingweightloss #weddingwellness #weddingfitness #healthybride
Huge miss conception around 'Toning up'...
I think alot of Brides fall foul to this on their journey to 'shredding for the Wedding'.
They double down on the HIIT classes, Boxercise and Similar classes.
Months later, frustrated how they don't have those perfect 'toned' arms yet.
Look, exercise is exercise.
No matter what type we should all do a form of it that we enjoy.
But if you are specifically looking to 'tone up',
You must be lifting weights.
Resistance training with the correct technique, controlled tempo and challenging weight is by far the most effective way to change your body composition.
And no that does NOT mean you'll look like the hulk.
If you want more help with what you can do at home or in the gym to reach your Wedding Goals,
Hit the link in my BIO or drop me a DM today!
#weddingtips #bridetobeuk #soontobemrs #weddingbodyprep #weddingweightloss #weddingfitness #weddingworkout
This is the most simple way to lose weight for your Wedding.
Count your calories consumed.
Honestly, you don't need no secret sauce to fast weight loss.
It doesn't really exsist.
When trying to lose weight your weekly calorie consumption is THE most important factor.
Not the time of day you eat.
Not the colour bread you eat.
Not the super duper HIIT workouts you do.
Not the breakfast you skipped (to then consume back the calories later because your starving).
After helping over 100 Bride To be's on there Wedding Weight loss journey I can safely say caloire counting and my frame work 100% works.
It ensures the brides I work with still enjoy life and don't lose their mind when it comes to weight loss.
Thats the last thing you want on the lead up to your Wedding Day.
The thing is this is NOT a quick fix.
With what you'll learn means the weight you do lose... you'll lose for good.
And the routine you create with your healthy habits... that will stay with you for life too.
Think about it.
And if you want to know more, head to the link in my BIO!
#weddingready #2024wedding #weddingtips #bridetobeuk #wedding2025 #weddingbodyprep #soontobemrs
Brides can you answer these 3 questions?
1) Do you know how to create a simple calorie deficit?
2) Do you know how to actually stay consistent with it for long enough to achieve the desired result?
3) Are you in this for the long run, or wanting results tomorrow?
My 1:1 coaching programme The Bridal Blitz is designed to guide you through the twists and turns of your Wedding Weight loss journey...
As smoothly as possible.
Taking away the guesswork and noise from all those other crazy diets (that never worked)
And instead focusing on a lifestyle approach that actually has you feeling your best inside out.
We double down on accountability to keep you more coonsistent than ever before.
With structure to your week, you'll find building your new routine a breeze...
Even if you are up to your neck in it, Wedding Planning.
Now if your a Bride To Be nodding as you read this,
Then I have an insane offer for you,
Head to the link in my BIO where im currently offering the chance to work with me 1:1 for 7 days.
Bit like you wouldn't choose your wedding venue without seeing it first.
Work with me for 7 days completely free, take as much value as possible,
and we can talk about continuing if its right for you.
Link in BIO with details!
#weddingweightloss #weddingweightlossjourney #weddingready #weddingfitness #weddingdressgoals #weddingmotivation