Membership Support Officer
Oxfordshire & Northamptonshire
The Royal British Legion
PO Box 484
OX26 9PA
T 07768 598811
E[email protected]
4th July 2022
Dear Marston Branch Member
The future of the Marston Branch is in doubt and your help and views are required.
As you are aware Marston Branch is a County Supported Branch (CSB) and has two Points of Contact (POC) I am unable to contact either of these POC and I am concerned that it is a branch in name only and is not compliant. Oxfordshire County committee has a duty to ensure that a CSB is compliant and meeting the RBL requirements as below.
For Marston to continue as a CSB the branch needs to meet at least twice a year and be able to demonstrate that it is doing at least one of the following:
1. The Branch is actively trying to recruit new members
2. The Branch is providing comradeship
3. The Branch is parading its Standard and is visible in the community
4. The Branch is committed to delivering the Branch Community Support activities
5. The Branch is delivering on wider charitable objectives as specified in the Royal Charter
At present Marston Branch is not meeting and not covering any of the five points above as the standard is only ever seen at Remembrance.
If the Branch is not able to demonstrate its compliance, then there are two options available.
1. Close.
2. Amalgamate with another Branch.
Both closure and amalgamating will mean the end of Marston having an RBL branch. The name will disappear, and the standard will need to be laid up and cannot be paraded at remembrance, funerals, or other events.
Could you assist in regenerating the Branch?
The POC cannot make the branch compliant on their own, they need the support of the members. One of the POC does not have an email address and this technically means that he cannot be a POC. I am sure that if a new keen POC volunteer could be found he would happily stand down. Are you willing to assist in arranging meetings, events or recruiting?
Marston Branch currently has 194 members, but this is only so that they can use the Club. There is no requirement for Marston Club to have a branch attached to it as any branch member of the RBL can be a club member. To confirm closing Marston RBL branch will not mean the closure of the club. I urge you to consider whether you are able to help as without an active membership the Branch will most likely close.
Please reply to me either by email, phone or to the address above, giving your preference of CSB, Close or Amalgamate. Whether you are willing to be a POC. Which branch you wish your membership to be transferred to in event of closure. Closing dates for replies 30th July.
Kind Regards,
Kevin Tobin
Membership Support Officer
Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire
Copy to County Chairman and County Treasurer.
Patron: Her Majesty the Queen
Registered address: Royal British Legion, Haig House, 199 Borough High Street, London SE1 1AA | 020 3207 2253 | rbl.org.uk
Registered charity number: 219279
The Legion is here to help members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, veterans and their families. And we’re not going anywhere.