24th February, Milton Keynes, Ondemand return to the Sul Lago for a Valentines special with a stacked line up! First Release tickets are now active and can be found on Skiddle or our bio๐ฅ๐ฅ
23rd December, Sul lago, Milton Keynes! We are super excited to show you around the venue we will be using for our massive Christmas event!There is definitely something special about this oneTickets have been flying out and are now on second release. Vip tables and group tickets are extremely low so get your plans sorted and secure your spot NOW. Shoutout to our in house director and videographer @pennant productions We appreciate all support and have plenty more content on the way
The On Demand Black card
This card will grant you access to all our future events.
There will be given one away each event.
Rules are as follows...
1. Be following us on Instagram - ondemancentral
2. Purchase your Christmas ticket before the 15th December
Entries close Midnight 15th Decmeber
Winner announced 16th December
Good Luck