Due to circumstances beyond the hotel company’s control, we advise that we have ceased trading and operations TEMPORARILY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. This is the only official announcement; no responsibility is taken for any other comments or any reliance on information other than this announcement.
This decision has been based on legal and financial advice and comes with a heavy heart.
This advice is ongoing to ensure legal compliance while undertaking of review of future operations.
All enquiries to the hotel are possible via email only to: [email protected].
All correspondence will be handled by the relevant department – legal, finance, reservations, etc. as required in due course.
Please be patient in waiting for your response. Please address all concerns in writing, stating your relationship to the hotel i.e. guest, supplier, staff, name, contact details, your issues or concerns.
No responses will be made to third parties or those with no direct connection to the hotel.
No staff are employed to deal with individual issues, and they should not be contacted personally or privately.
The hotel is now closed, and phones and email are not being attended to. Security has been engaged to ensure caretaking and safety of the property.
We apologise for all and any inconveniences being caused to affected parties.
An update will be provided as soon as possible based on the operational review currently underway.