May 2nd Elections are next week, PLEASE TAKE NOTE !! if you live in the Greater manchester area (and many many other areas of our nation) and vote for a labour council, or for a labour mayor of Greater Manchester, you WILL end up with a CAZ (clean air zone) charge being implimented and enforced, as well as many other bylaws and fines and ways of taxing you, and crazy schemes that use up public funds for little to no benefit to the citizens. Even if you own an EV, for which your honeymoon period will soon be over, you too will be subject to more ways of taking your money, and not everyone can afford to change/buy a more compliant vehicle. None of the major parties really have your interests at heart, take a moment to consider how you will vote, maybe have a look at your independant candidate, please just take an extra moment to consider whether that main stream party you or your family have always voted for really has you and your family at heart. Most of these schemes will massively impact small businesses, traders, shops, lower income families, and even if you do not own a vehicle you will end up paying as the costs of compliance will be passed on to everybody.
Time to use your vote wisely, and make sure you DO vote.