Momma dragon sat down at the beautiful antique writing desk, took out her quill and began..
Clutter-buys auction ad
Nobby the helper elf…..”
She paused and chewed her quill, took a swig of coffee and tried again.
Awsomely funny Clutter-buys advert
Today three hijackers…..”
Momma dragon got up, nipped to the loo, grabbed another cup of coffee, stroked the dogs, went for a walk to clear her head, ate a biscuit, washed the pots, had a shower and came back to the desk.
The best advert I ever wrote
Clutter-buys is being hijacked this weekend by three hijackers”
Momma dragon screwed up the paper, threw it, the quill and her ink in the bin and sighed.
Writers block is a b*tch!
The auction starts at 6pm tonight until 7pm on Monday. There are 3 hijackers this week and they have some awesome treasures for you, everything from stage makeup, crafty things, costumes, boots, and a lovely padded gambeson, and much much more so come along and tell your friends!