Give this gift to someone you love.
Take responsibility for your own sense of joy, fulfillment, meaning and worthiness.
Make it your full time job.
Become obsessed with exploring what makes you tick, what gives you chills, what brings you peace, what inspires your soul.
Fill You up to the brim and then wrap that baby in a bow as your greatest offering.
The worst thing to do, is make someone else responsible for your joy.
It's giving them a task they will never be able to get right
A goal they can never achieve
A race they can never win
And then, you'll both be resentful, exhausted and frustrated.
I say to you my love...
My gift to you is the Highest Expression of me.
I will make this my focus.
To come to you already loved.
To come to you already whole.
To come to you already full.
To come to you en route to my own Joy.
So we can meet Mountain to Mountain and celebrate one another without the shackles of responsibility and pressure and dependency.
This is my gift to you and to me.