⭐️EARLY BIRD OFFER NOW AVAILABLE⭐️ This exclusive retreat offers a perfect blend of creativity, history, and relaxation. Includes specially crafted workshops and activities, offering a unique opportunity to connect with nature, explore Yeats’ legacy, and channel your own creative spirit. #eventwiseni #retreatwise #retreats https://eventwiseni.com/event/irish-writers-retreat-yeats-experience/
Last Day to claim 10% Off our Reflect and Empower Retreat with @sarahtraversni and @paulacooks !
#beeventwise #retreatyourself #retreat #retreatwithus #northernireland #northcoast
We do love a theme 👏🎃👻 Happy Halloween! #eventwiseni #beeventwise #workshops #training #retreats #psychologytraining #conferencemanagement #eventmanagement #deliveringexcellence
A Transformative RETREAT on the North Coast which offers a blend of relaxation and personal growth. Over three days, you will engage in three powerful workshops with Sarah Travers carefully crafted to help you reconnect with yourself and build resilience. A highlight of the retreat is an exclusive cooking demonstration by the celebrated chef Paula McIntyre. Learn, taste, and savour as Paula guides you through a culinary experience, culminating in a gourmet meal prepared in front of you, showcasing the finest local ingredients. For more information click https://eventwiseni.com/event/reflect-and-empower-womens-retreat-with-sarah-travers/
EventWise NI
Is your team struggling?
Chat to Tally about our Compassion Focused Staff Wellbeing workshops and residentials and give your team a restored sense of connection, calm, safeness and self-compassion. #beeventwise #eventwiseni #workshops #training #retreats #psychologytraining #conferencemanagement #eventmanagement #deliveringexcellence
We are so grateful for your business. Thank you! Keep following as we have an amazing range of events planned for the next year. A heartfelt thank you for continued support. Love, Tally and the team at EventWise NI. 💙 #growth #development #celebrating #5yearsinbusiness #eventwiseni #beeventwise #retreatwise
#eventwiseni #retreatwise #comingsoon