Christmas arrived early at love food it seems🤣🤣🤣🤣
We have 2 visitors at the town quay today and they’re just beautiful🥰
Steps for Stanley going strong 😊
SWAN UPDATE....afternoon peeps, so our resident male swan was returned today after 2 1/2 weeks away. We weren’t sure how it was going to go as our female was nowhere to be seen (for a few days) however just minutes before the rspca turned up with him a lone female came up river right on cue. We had ourselves a reunion😊 (first video) lots of “ahhhhs” to be had. Then another female from the other direction came down river and most unexpectedly we had ourselves “another” reunion (2nd video) 🤣 so he’s back, he’s fine we just don’t know which is his girlfriend 🤣🤣🤣
So after chasing our resident male swan around with the rspca for most of the day yesterday we finally managed to catch him thismorning .
He had a hook, line and weight caught in his mouth. So please please please guys if ur planning on fishing down at the quay or crabbing with your little ones please try and use nets rather than lines and weights because it’s so dangerous for our wildlife!!
Thankyou so much to the guys from the rspca they did an amazing job😊 hopefully we will have our swan back very soon
It’s doesn’t seem so bad in slo mo 🤣🤣🤣
When your lunch just won’t do as it’s told🤣
** Edit to song!!!
Kelly does not have the whole day off (please all feel sorry for her) she has fish and chip night tonight!!