Can any of our brides back us up on this one? Any regrets having our play space or nannying service for the big day?! Comment below so that other brides know ⬇️
About yesterday…. Our busiest one yet but my gosh the children were great 🥰 the top toy of the day was our ice cream role play. I can’t tell you how many ice creams we had to eat! 🍦 We’ve sped up the highlights but you get the gist… what a blast! 💥 Marks’ first outing as a 🐻 (hopefully not his last!) Thank you @natalie_ohara & Jon for choosing the full Little Cubs’ Corner. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and heart sparkles 💖 @rhillhotel
Still unsure how your wedding day could be made better with the help of Little Cubs’ Corner?
I didn’t quite get the opportunity to have our son join our first dance, as by that time my mum had had to take him home.
I loved being able to see this couple have the perfect first dance and know that Little Cubs’ had played a part in making it a memory to last forever 🐻
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5 things you might not know about us 🐻
#littlecubscorner #popupplayspace #nottinghamweddings #eastmidlandsweddings #engaged #nottinghamevents #weddingchildcare #weddingnanny #weddingplayspace #weddingshow #weddingshowsnottingham #derbyweddings #leicesterweddings #whatsonnottingham #newarkweddings #granthamweddings #lincolnweddings #weddings #miniguests #minicubs #miniVIPs #eventchildcare #eventnannies #eveningbabysitting #popupplayspace #woodentoys
So many people meet us at wedding shows and say “I didn’t even think about this service!” We very soon become their top priority if they are having children at their wedding. Wedding childcare and children’s entertainment shouldn’t be an afterthought! It’s essential, and allows you and every single guest to enjoy all aspects of your big day 🐻