I had a brilliant time making these for a workshop sample last month but they are surplus, so if you are local, want a ready made, happy and established bottle garden with care instructions then get in touch and I can arrange a collection. #terrarium #terarriumplants #terrariumnottingham
Get your workshop booked in now to avoid disappointment. #nottinghamwreaths #christmaswreathsnearme #wreathmakingworkshop #localwreathmaking
Last year was amazing and I was so busy. Pease message me if you want a group booking as my diary is getting busy. #wreathmakingworkshop
The school holidays are way past half over and I’m planning ahead. I’m not mentioning the C word until September but happy to see autumn with all its colours, dried seed heads and berries. #autumnwreaths #autumnvibes #autumncrafts #nottinghamautumn #autumnflowers #sherwoodflorist
Having a lovely afternoon with the door wide open and the sunshine pouring in. I had dried the roses and sea holly from leftovers and used some of my neighbour’s grasses to add more interest. If you fancy a crafting session then I can open up my studio for a party of 6 friends, all materials provided plus refreshments. Great team building, wellbeing activity. #driedflowersnottingham #teambuildingnottingham #wellbeingnottingham #henpartynottingham #sustainablefloristry
Today was just glorious. I got to do a wedding my my childhood church. #churchweddingflowersarrangement #churchflowers #blushweddingflowers #weddingflowersnottingham #zeroplasticfloristry