Remaining Drimnin Cinema dates for winter
Drimnin Cinema starts the New Year growing up and getting real with fun new films and a swoonworthy classic!
Saturday 22nd February
Noodles! (please bring along stuff to add to basic noodles and broth)
4pm (U) 93 minutes
This 2024 follow-up to Pixar's most popular animation continues the story of Riley as she - and her emotions - grow up together: a happy head trip for any age!
7pm (PG) 94 minutes
An exquisite romance set in 1950s Hong Kong and regularly voted one of the greatest films of all time - beautiful and heart-breaking
Saturday 29th March
American soul food theme (fried chicken, coleslaw and brownies)
4pm (U) 97 minutes
A science-fiction all-ages animation that's clever, heartfelt and frequently stunning - with otters!
7pm (15) 120 minutes
An outrageous and very, very funny satire on American stereotypes and the literary industry
Save the Date
Mid- summer event & Raffle
Saturday 21st June
Details TBC