Good morning from #coombetrenchard on what would have been the first day of our 2020 English Country Garden Festival. So sorry you can’t all be with us. Stay safe & well, hope to see you soon.
Now more than ever, we feel grateful to have the time to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us #earthday #coombetrenchardgardens
Birdsong in the woodland gardens. Can’t help but have our spirits lifted listening to these #soundsofspring
The Tamar Historic Transport Club Vintage Cars really are looking superb within the gardens and grounds at the English Country Garden Festival this weekend.
A glorious first hour at our English Country Garden Festival... the house terrace is positively buzzing!
Hooray for #worldbeeday ~ celebrating what these amazing creatures do for us all!
Our bee keeper Gary will be talking about our hives, all things bee keeping & sharing the great things we get to enjoy from nurturing & keeping our buzzy friends thriving at the English Country Garden Festival on 1st & 2nd June.
Fingers crossed we’ll also have some Coombe Trenchard Hive Honey, candles and furniture polish for festival visitors to buy too!
#worldbeeday #bees #beesarefriends #beekeeping #coombetrenchardgardens #coombetrenchardbees #englishcountrygardenfestival #busybees #traditionalshow #gardenshow #countryshow #devondayout
Two weeks today ~ and day two of our #englishcountrygardenfestival will be in full swing...
We do hope you’ll be joining us on 1st & 2nd June for a great day out in our beautiful gardens.
A peek at the buzz from the lower terrace marquee stands during last years English Country Garden Festival.
It’s hard to believe that in 8 weeks time we’ll be doing it all again.
Could 2019 - the 8th year of the festival - be our best yet? .
You can be assured we’re giving it our all & we looking forward to welcoming everyone on 1st & 2nd of June...
#coombetrenchard #coombetrenchardgardens #englishcountrygardenfestival #summergardenshow #gardenvisitors #stallsgalore #asliceofcountrylife #countrylife #devonlife #agooddayout #visitdevon #visitdartmoor #notlongtogo
A little video clip from the wild flower meadow at our English Country Garden Festival last year.
Will you be joining us for the 8th year of our annual summer event on 1st and 2nd of June?
A giveaway competition will be announced later this evening for 4 sets of free tickets & tea for two... could you be one of the lucky winners?
#coombetrenchard #coombetrenchardgardens #englishcountrygardenfestival #devondayout #summerfestival #gardenevent #countingdownthedays
This morning looked a little like this...
Visitors walked through our woodland area as they entered our English Country Garden Festival for day 1 of our annual weekend spectacular!
Coombe Trenchard Home & Garden show 2016
A little slide show of images from our lovely Home & Garden Show last weekend....enjoy.