Shop security! 🐶🐶🐶🐶
#dontmesswithgertrude #shoplocal #flowerpower #hyndburn #oswaldtwistle #florist #floristofinstagram
We’re bringing sexy back! How gorgeous does this bouquet look?! This is an example of our 12 red roses for Valentine’s Day, love the cute bunny tails. We can also add a bit of sparkle to the roses 🌹
Tag away to make sure one of these beauties makes its way to you next week!
#redroses #localdelivery #shoplocal #flowerpower #hyndburn #oswaldtwistle #florist #floristofinstagram #shedfullofflowers
Why not pop down and pay us a visit? We’re open today until 3pm
Sunday 10-3
Monday 9-5
Tuesday (Christmas Eve) 9-12
#shoplocal #florist #flowerpower #christmas #christmasflowers #hyndburn
#smallbusiness #christmasgifts
Gifts to go! Which one is your favourite? ❤️
#florist #giftsforher #birthdayflowers #justtosay #flowerpower
And we’re back! Yay! Getting our flower fix with this full flower stand , all ready for ready for you lovely lot! Call in to see us, or tell: 01254 659914 if you want your fix too!
#hydrangea #gerbera #bigblooms #roses #lilies #proteas #shedfullofflowers #flowerfix
Todays feels! Who cares if the weather is 💩! Flowers make you feel good! 😊
#oswaldtwistle #funnyhowflowersdothat #flowerpower #shedfullofflowers #shoplocal #hyndburn
Todays flower stand! Love love love! ❤️
#flowerpower #accrington #oswaldtwistle #florist #shoplocal
This is us for 2 weeks! We’re still open, you can get to us on foot, or if you are driving, the nearest place to park is Fairfield st end. We also take orders over the phone on 01254 659914 or via our website
Please don’t forget about us!
#shoplical #stillopen #florist #floristoswaldtwistle #floristhyndburn #floristaccrington #pleasecomevisit
The plants have arrived! Stunning bedding plants and perennials. Make the most of this lovely warm weather and get garden ready!
#oswaldtwistle #beddingplants #geraniums #fuchsia #begonia #dahlia #gardenready #shedfull
Making the most of our Wednesdays off! These 2 crazies are living their best life! 🐾🐾🐾
#pineforest #jackhouse #doodles #doodledash #flowerpower