A mixture of rage and depression. Its a known fact that hedgerow, of which there's probably thousands of miles, is a main cornerstone of life. Billion of insects rely on the height, which should be no less than 2 metres, the fruit, and the flowers. But they dont flower properly if butchered yearly.!! Cutting should only be maybe every three years and rotated, so there's always habitat. It's an easy thing to do, to reverse the nature loss , yet year on year, idiotic, brainless farmers, youd think they'd have common sense. But its, sadly lacking. Or is it contempt? I cant quite make my mind up? As surely they cant be that stupid. Cut this annually, starting on the 1st sept when its teaming with life??
Theyre told not to. Prefering, it seems, to be the beligerant killers they seem to be. Those butchered hedges that the insects need. Are then rendered lifeless. Those fruits and flowers and height are needed as birds need the insects, of which have now been desecrated, weasels and stoats, need the birds to live, so they can live. Owls and other raptors need mice and voles. Whats going on, when governments can't force these idiots to stop this useless dustructuve practice.
To what? , cut it for absolutely no reason. Luckily here, its not started in earnest, there's a good few been effed up . Give it time! But it shouldnt be allowed in the first place. So they can have a wee box shaped sterile hedge?? I dont know how they can live with themselves, honestly, they're killing everything with this sensless stupid act. All that cutting year in year out, has caused a situation where we now have, half the insects, or more in some places, up to 90% gone? And half our birds gone in a few decades. Its unforgiveable. If I were in government there would be heafty fines after a complete change in the law. But here?? In this, one of the most nature depleted countries on the planet. Its crass stupidity. The green party? Of which im a member are oriving to be effin useless. And the rest, for all their bangin on about biodiversity are worse. They're in a position to address our nature collapse. But do nothing, talk a good game, but cant stop one thing that could end this disaster.