AuralSex was started by Lee Arthur and James Barnes in 2017. The company was launched to bridge the gap between venues and promoters, to offer a uniform standard of quality and regularity. Our whole ethos is to keep costs to an absolute minimum, with the quality at the absolute maximum. That way, rather than gambling on large headliners and potentially suffering heavy financial losses, we can put
on weekly events of a very high standard for a very small entrance fee. AuralSex are working hard to build relationships and working with other promoters to inject fresh talent into the electronic music scene. With a heavy background in marketing, as well as DJ’s and music producers, we are utilising these skills to build their own brands, as well as our partners. We are working with the fantastic connections we have built over the last 20 years, to bring fresh talent to the public, but, we're always looking for more. We are currently very keen to find more venues willing to work with us. This means the underground music scene survives in the longterm and, in turn, helps venues avoid the mass of closures that has faced us in recent years. We don't really believe in headliners, but look more at introducing fresh talent and to put on regular events of the highest quality. We have found the scene is lacking structure and reliability, we want our brand to stand like a quality stamp, so people know the event will be of a high standard in terms of production, the venue and the quality of artists. We operate on a “risk free” basis for venues, in that we offer our services at a percentage of the entrance fee/bar revenue. This profit share basis means that it is in our interests for every event to be busy and to build long term, lasting relationships within every facet of the underground music scene. As every venue has different needs, capacity and equipment, we arrange a pricing structure that suits everyone. For pricing information or to submit your interest in working with AuralSex, please email [email protected]
We look forward to embarking on this exciting journey with you by our side.