Coronavirus/Soundskills/Whitelab Records Update
*******Urban Influence - Please read the statement below.
Whilst we are putting a hold on group gatherings we are keen to continue with the project. Any pre-agreed one-to-one sessions will still go ahead (unless otherwise stated). However, it is imperative that you help us maintain a safe environment for others so please be vigilant and if you have or are showing any signs of illness, or any members of your family are displaying symptoms then please self-isolate and inform a member of the team about your absence.
Please do not worry. Any time lost will be made up at a later date. ***********
Stay safe!
From Soundskills
Due to yesterday’s announcement, the fact that we operate an informal/fluid operation and accommodate vulnerable people, for obvious reasons we are choosing to suspend all voluntary activity groups that occur at our centre in Brookfield until April 1st - this includes Urban Influence, Monday Music Group, Kids Club, Art Group, Craft Group, Work Club, Singing Group etc.
As many of these groups are self help groups we are keen that people keep being creative individually at home and continue to share the creative joy by keeping connected with each other via internet or phone.
At the beginning of April we will reassess the situation. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have but please do not come to the building for answers. At this point we will continue to fulfil our education referral service obligations (until told otherwise) but do not mistake this activity for general activity. Indeed the door may well be locked even when students are in the building.
Thank you for your support with this.
Soundskills Team