Monthly music nights by Paul, Jake, Nick and Kevin. Two stages, good vibes completely free at The Beautiful Planet Cafe.(Opp Roper Hall)
Bohemia was formed in the early days of the Beautiful Planet Cafe 69 Friargate Preston, when it was thought it would be good to support local music. These days Bohemia has expanded to include various pubs and clubs such as the Dog & Partridge and the Bittersuite
as well as the Beautiful Planet Monthly gigs. Bohemia basically is a non profit Music Promotion group which tries to give local musicians and Uclan Media Factory artists a platform to perform their acts. Usually to a great attentive audience, the music nights at the Cafe have now reached great heights and trust me it's busy but very friendly very cozy and welcoming :). The Bohemia Music nights event is volunteer run and funded by donations. Our policy is that folk can bring their own Alcohol to the Monthly Cafe music night, but for those that don't, the Cafe serves a wide variety of Hot drinks and snacks. We are always looking for new artists, and help established artist get paid gigs at the Public houses mentioned, especially the Dog & Partridge
The Bohemia Team are Paul O'Mara;Jake Graham;Kevin Cross & Nick Williams
Also putting on regular gigs in the Dog & Partridge, Preston on Tuesday evenings (approx one a month) and Sunday afternoons (approx one a month) as well as occasional gigs at other venues. When and where the Events are can be found at : Https://