Hi all. The local scout group are collecting donations for local homeless shelters this Christmas. If you would like to donate to this cause you can drop anything off at 2 Bracken Close before 7.30pm tomorrow (Wednesday 27th November) evening and it will be included in the packages.
Please see below for ideas for donations. You can leave donations by either the front door or garage door at the back on Beech Ave.
Christmas chocolate and biscuits, long-life milk, tinned soup, tinned meat, tinned fruit, small jars of coffee and instant hot chocolate, small instant puddings, mince pies, selection boxes, jars of pasta sauce, small packets of pasta (500g) pot noodles, instant porridge pots, plus adult colouring books and crayons, Christmas socks, small torches/head torches, old work or hiking boots, socks, blankets and sleeping bags (no duvets please).