It’s time to be very clear about what a ‘Registrar Celebrant’ or ‘ Celebrant Registrar’ is and explain what they do and don’t do, versus what an Independent Family Celebrant is and does♥️
A Celebrant Registrar is a local authority official employed by a Register Office who can complete the legal registration of your marriage and, inspired by fabulous Celebrant weddings, they are increasingly adding in elements of choice to their ceremonies. ♥️ They will come and complete the Registration during a wedding ceremony in your venue if that is what you opt for or, you can go to the Register office and complete your registration there.
A Celebrant Registrar is NOT the same as an Independent Family Celebrant and they do not offer the same wedding experience.
I am an Independent Celebrant.
If you opt for an Independent Celebrant like me to create and conduct your wedding ceremony you will still need to complete your legal Registration separately with a Registrar, at the registry office, is this a big deal? No absolutely not!
An independent Celebrant (like me) creates wedding ceremonies that allow you to celebrate your wedding in whatever inventive, creative or traditional way you would like. ♥️
An independent Celebrant will work closely with you usually over many months, meet with you, connect with you on a personal level, get to know your favourite book, film, poem, meet your dog and plan their involvement in your ceremony, get to know your children, listen to your hopes and dreams for your wedding ceremony and then make them come true. They will have time in abundance to write a bespoke ceremony for you.
Absolutely no limitations, no restrictions. You will work collaboratively together with your Celebrant to perfect the ceremony and on the day your Celebrant will be there to welcome you, deliver your ceremony and ensure your dream ceremony is a reality. You will know me so well, and I will know you both too by your wedding day. The registrar on duty on your chosen wedding day will marry you at the registry office. You may never have met the registrar before.
There is absolutely NO comparison ♥️
I believe there should be absolute clarity about this - couples need clear information to be able to make informed choices about who they would like to lead their wedding ceremony.
Thank You Julia Hawkes Your Celebrant in the Cotswolds for allowing me to share this.