Established in 1994 Patriot Games, previously known as Patriot Comics started as a market stall in the famous Castle Market in the heart of Sheffield City Centre. Proudly stocking a wide variety of Comic Books and a smaller range of Collectables.
We soon out grew our stall in Castle Market and into a shop on Ladyβs Bridge we moved. Primarily focusing on gaming collectables and comics still; Patriot saw an opportunity to become a dedicated games store...
In 2002, Patriot Comics changed its name to Patriot Games. Our stock changed from Comics and Collectables to everything Tabletop Gaming: Board Games, Role Playing Games and Card Games of all kinds.
Later taking on more staff to add to the ever changing knowledge required to keep up with new releases of games and so many rule changes.
Our Mission?
Our Mission is to, as a bricks and mortar store, spread the love for gaming to a wider community. Growing and strengthening the good feeling that Tabletop Gaming gives its players; using our own Organised Play Tournament structure to provide more than just a place to play games.
We want everyone to know what Tabletop Gaming is, why its important and how it can change your perspective on what being a gamer really is. From this are born; Patriot Gamers!
Patriot Gamer
(noun) noun: patriot gamer; plural noun: patriot gamers; noun: Patriot Gamer
A gamer who vigorously supports their gaming habits and is prepared to defend tabletop gaming, transforming any mainstream negativity of games into a deeper understanding of what tabletop gaming has to offer to the world.