⭐️⭐️As this football season draws to a close, we are pleased to announce a new partnership for the coming season.⭐️⭐️
Following a very successful meeting at the end of last season, we are now the sole supplier of crowd safety staff to Dartford Football Club.
Adding to our already impressive list of Kent based clubs and venues, we are looking for both SIA and Crowd Safety Stewards to join our team to help football teams across the WHOLE of Kent.
Ideally you will have a minimum of Level 2 Crowd Safety certification but there will be courses in due course.
Do you feel you have what it takes to make a difference and make the matchday experience at these clubs enjoyable and safe for everyone attending? Please get in contact with us on here, please put 'Football' in the subject field, or alternatively get in contact with the office for an informal chat.
We look forward to hearing from you!