Part 2 - It’s What They Do
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Do you remember the infamous Guinness advert often known as “The Surfer” ?
“Tik Follows Tok”
Surfers stand on a remote shoreline waiting for the right moment before charging the waters edge with the boards under their arms.
They wait…
Timing is everything.
The difference between winning or loosing.
Getting smashed by a set or paddling straight out to the line up…
The image above is a tiny reflection of a moment, where my heart slows down and
“The Surfer” music increases in volume in my head.
Everything turns into slow motion…
Each one an individual. Together in time as one.
The link for the video is below.
Before you watch it…
Turn the volume right up.
Turn all the lights off in the room and go silent…
Press Play:
The athletes above are members of the club below. Located in Alex Heads, Sunshien Coast, Australia