We are Super Florists!
Welcome to BloomLocal - the first network of Super Florists in the United Kingdom, supporting independent flower shops! BloomLocal builds and markets gifting websites to help florists increase their online sales. We have years of experience with Google Paid Ads, SEO, Copywriting, and Social Media Management.
BloomLocal’s Super Florists is a network initiative of high street florists, to help compete with the big online retailers. We’re building gifting sites that convert visitors into buyers, and we offer affordable digital marketing services to help florists get to the top of search engines and visible on social media platforms.
If your websites isn’t getting you at least 5 orders a day from Google Ads, you are missing out. Join BloomLocal now and together let’s bring online gifting back to real floristry! It’s super easy - we only take a small commission on the sales and joining is 100% free!