Hello my gorgeous lot!
I’ve written this post so many times. Every time I scrap it and start again so here goes for the millionth time.
I’m so thankful to all of you who have been with me every step of the way 12 years ago and then 6 and a half years in my beautiful shop. I’ve been involved in many happy times of 1000s of weddings, too many birthdays, valentines, Mother’s Day and babies to count and your shoulder to cry on in many hard times. Plenty of Xmas sparkle along the way too. Which is what’s made the decision so difficult.
You saw me go from a 21 year old stokie college student through 2 babies, my own wedding, huge renovations at the beautiful Standon hall and my gorgeous shop! What I have created in the shop is truly magical and I couldn’t have done it without you all and my gorgeous staff, trainees and most of all my beautiful family.
But It’s time to hang up my shop apron and focus more on my beautiful hall at Standon Hall and the inhouse floristry there.
I think Covid changed a lot of feelings and then Sophie came along after what felt like a lifetime of trying for her and my priorities have changed. I now have Standon Hall and this take sooooo much of my time and I feel like I’m letting you all down at the shop and it doesn’t sit well with me. I always put 110% into everything but I’ve fallen out of love with my shop. I love event and wedding florist so this seems to be the road I’m taking. I need time with my children and I can’t juggle all of these plates - Churchill costs a lot of money 😜🤣 (just kidding other brands also available 😂🤦🏼♀️)
A lot and I mean A LOT of tears have happened whilst writing this as I will miss so many of you. But my time is done.
Genuinely from the bottom of my heart thank you, love Jo x