We celebrated Persephone's 12th birthday this weekend.Persephone 1st came to us for her 7th birthday and has been a regular client since...So lovely to see you grow and to welcome you and your friends again...#regularclient #12thbdaycelebration #5yearsrunning #thankful #pampering #Saturday #5starreview #relax #supportlocalbusiness #spapampering #hydratedskin #stainesuponthames #facial #lookafteryourskin #smallbusinesssupportingsmallbusiness #pamper #pamperpackages #PamperSession #facialtherapy #PamperYourself #positivevibes #rechargeyoursoul #review #February #littleladies #letshavesomefun #girlpower #kidsspa #SpaDay #drinksandnibbles #partytimewithfriends #lookafteryourself #skincareroutine
Our 2nd pamper party of the day.........Celebrating Poppy's big girl 8th birthday 🎂 🎉🥳...What a fun filled afternoon full of singing and dancing...with a tad of glitter thrown in for good measure.....Hope you enjoyed the rest of your day girls....Thanks for choosing us😃 #glitter #thankyouforyoursupport #birthdayideas #pamperpackages #partytimewithfriends #birthdaycake #nailpaint #glittertattoos #stainesuponthames #spapamper #littleladies #smallbusinessbigdreams #positivevibes #supportlocalbusiness #December #spapartyforgirls #stressfree #bffgoals #letshavesomefun #relaxation #lookafteryourself #familytime #pamperyourself #letthegoodtimesroll #appointmentsavailable #pampernights
Happppppppy 9th birthday Jasmine....The girls enjoyed our Moonstone Package yesterday.There was lots of dancing and singing and glitter !! OH yes lots of glitter😅Hope you had the time Jazzy🥳#9thbirthdaycelebration ##sisters #bffgoals #glitter #birthdaycake #9today #birthdayideas#mumrelax #stressfree #nailpaint #toepaint#glittertattoos #spapartyforgirls #spapartyideas #pamperyourself #positivevibes #smallbusinessbigdreams #letshavesomefun #letthegoodtimesroll #happysaturday #pamperpackages #localbusiness #appointmentsavailable #pamperparties #stainesuponthames #pamperpartyideas #fabulousclients #thankful #birthdaygirl #partywithfriends #birthdaycelebration
Kicking of our Saturday morning with Sofia & her friends....Happy 7th birthday Sofia🎂...Even Zorro the cat tried to get in on the action🐱#pamperpartyforgirls #surreymummy #spaday #girlsgettogether #schoolbesties #availability #partytime #pamperparties #pamperpackages #letthegoodtimesroll #pamperyourself #childrenspartyideas #stainesuponthames #birthdaycelebration #pampertime #letsgetthepartystarted #partywithfriends #pamperpartyideas #freeparkingavailable #pamperparty
Pari turns 8🥳🥳🥳🥳We had a fun filled Saturday afternoon with the girls.Our Moonstone package was on the agenda#saturdayfun #letshavesomefun #friends #letthegoodtimesroll #partytime #mummyanddaughter #childrensspa #spaday #pamperparties #birthdaycelebration #childrenspamperparties #childrenspartyideas #kidspamperparties #partyideas #bestfriendsforever #supportlocalbusiness #lovewhatyoudo
We rounded off Saturday by celebrating Lilliana's 12th birthday.The girls enjoyed our Topaz package...Mini Pedicures,Massages, Head Massages & Facials were all on the agenda and just look at those gorgeous cupcakes. 🧁 #tweens #tweenstyle #pampering #FacialTreatment #massagetherapist #skincareroutine #qualitytime #supportlocalbusiness #gettogether #backmassage #calmingvibes #childrenspartyideas #sitbackandrelax #childrensparty #footsoak #nailvarnish #facialtreatment #relax #gardensalon #birthdaycelebration #saturday #recharge #crueltyfreebeauty #stainesuponthames #feelingthelove #schoolbesties #lovewhatyoudo #pamperparties #friends #girlsjustwannahavefun #friendgoals #easyparty
Ella turns 9🥳🥳🥳🥳What a fun filled afternoon we had pampering Ella,her besties & her little sister. #treat #pamper #childrenspartyideas #childrensparty #childrenspamperparties #toepainting #kidspartyideas #partytime #supportlocalbusiness #kidspamperparties #nailpaint #backmassage #gettogether #calmingvibes #sitbackandrelax #freeparkingavailable #5starreview #qualitytime #family #sparkle #schoolbesties #besties #9thbirthday #bestfriends #bestfriendsforever #lovewhatyoudo #pamperparties #friends #girlsjustwannahavefun .
Erin turns 11.....The girls enjoyed our Topaz package....Pedicures & a introduction to Facials & Massage.....#skincareroutine #massage #pedicure #toepainting #footsoak #tweeens #skincare #nailvarnish #hottowels #childrenspartyideas #childrensparty #pamper #childrenspamperparties #childrenspamperparty
Our little regular client Eladie celebrated her 9th birthday with us and her besties🥳🥳🥳🥳#9thbirthday #birthdaycelebration #schoolbesties #pamperparties #friendgoals #schoolbesties #bestfriends #qualitytime #besties #spaday #sitbackandrelax #gardensalon #girlsjustwannahavefun #bestfriendsforever #topaz #kidsskincare #easyparty #childrenspartyideas #chillmum #sitbackandwatch
Esme turns a whooping BIG 7.....What a fun pamper we had with Esme and her school friends.The girls enjoyed a foot soak, finger & toe painting,face masks,glitter tattoos, festival glitter, hair glitter (lets just say the girls were very sparkly when they left ) and did I mention a scrummy birthday cake & gorgeous cupcakes!!🎂🧁🧁🧁🧁🎂🧁#itsmybirthday #cupcakes #birthdaycakes #pamperparties #partytimewithfriends #stainesuponthames #pamper #birthday #friends #itstheweekend #birthdaygirl #lovewhatyoudo #princess #schoolfriends #partytime #celebration #enquirieswelcome #booknow #seven #7thbirthdayparty ##birthdayideas
What a fabulous busy Saturday we've had....Our day started by celebrating double digits for Penny....Hope you also enjoyed a fab time afterwards at the cinema girls....#doubledigits #ten #schoolfriends #pamperparties #pamper #birthdaygirl #birthday #stainesuponthames #princess #lovewhatyoudo #gardensalon #memories #partytime #freeparking #itsmybirthday #booknow #partytimewithfriends #birthdaycelebration #itstheweekend #friends #celebration #enquirieswelcome