Where do we start by thanking Sarah so much for all of her help on our wedding day?
I honestly couldn’t have done it without her. Well- maybe we could have, but we’d have been utterly exhausted trying to do and manage everything ourselves and wouldn’t have actually been able to enjoy our own wedding which we’d spent so long planning and looking forward to!
2 days before we had total confidence to hand everything over to her, knowing that ‘she’ll know what’s best’ and my goodness she did, and had everything set up and arranged to absolute perfection whilst I could just chill with my family and get into bride mode. I’ve never met anyone with her eye for detail before, or indeed my level of organisation, but I did, and I’m blessed it was Sarah, before our wedding!
On the day itself she was worth her weight in gold, there within seconds if I needed her, (which I did, many times…!) able to take on anything with her encyclopaedic wedding knowledge and the contents of her magic kit bag.
I’m sure we had dilemmas on the day, but we weren’t aware of any of them. It’s only afterwards, talking to our friends and family that we were fully able to grasp everything that she was doing, helping, sorting and solving behind the scenes making our wedding absolutely and totally AWESOME.
We were thrown bad luck with covid cancelling our wedding twice, but got 10 times the good luck back for our third date when we found Sarah to be our wedding coordinator.